I have played through the story mode and chosen the highest allowed level at each junction for the highest exp. I have waited and went back to complete the strikes as bounties were available for earning the max exp. and additional rewards. The first, Devils Lair, the 2 MM players and I pushed through as a team and finished without to hard of effort. The second, Summoning Pits, was tough as shit and after 3 or 4 attempts the 2 MM players left and I saw no way to attempt that one alone so I chose to quit and restart with new players. I was joined into a strike in progress, my 3rd strike overall, were the 2 existing players had whittled the boss down to nothing and after a few minutes the strike was completed. I felt cheated of the experience of battling with them all the way through and guilty for receiving the win and the bounty I had in play for that strike plus the rewards.........I do not remember what I received, but it was nothing of note reward wise.
Today I had no bounty for the Venus strike, Nexus, but was offered it on my first outing of the new strike playlist for random strikes. My 4th strike had me paired with 2 players that quit after the first time we had all died battling the Nexus leaving me to attempt it alone. I was a little frustrated at that point, but decided to push on. I was fortunate enough and found a good enough strategy to push forward and after approximately 30 minutes had the Nexus down to it's final few shots. Having battled numerous waves of Vex, who did not seem to like me too much, scampering around for ammo drops and not dying one time and on the verge of a solo defeat of this boss, 2 players drop in and one player got an assist shot on the Nexus and the other took the final shot. Their stats were one with one assist only and one with one kill only. The player with the assist got 2 rare armor pieces and the other got a rare and a token of some kind. I received a rare gauntlet that were very nice and an orb, I believe, to trade into my Vanguard which netted me a level 10 uncommon weapon?????? Seriously? I am a level 17!
Random rewards such as this that do not reflect the effort or strike level and the rewarding of 2 players with better gear than me for what they did is laughable and frustrating.
There needs to be a good hard look at the reward system and join in progress rewards for players who put in not near the effort on the strike, or in this case, simply fired the final shot.
Such is life