originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
UK guardians unite! (Also Scotland too, depending on how that goes...)
Figured i'd make a post predominantly for any Brits out there but anyone else feel free to join.
PSN: MajorSteak
Add me on FlowerFrecks Lvl 12 and play just for the fun of it :)
Everyone watch this YouTube video to save gaming of the future! Don't Buy The Dark Below or House of Wolves Destiny DLC Expansion Packs Because Destiny is Bad BDobbinsFTW
Well blimey! I've been lookin for you lot forever. It'd be bloody awesome team'n up for some Destiny! PSN: rickysk8erboi #TimeyWimey
Join the SAS http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/310407
Currently lvl 10 hunter Psn: NinjaBettie 19M from Derby
Hey PSN-Gdwb90 Level 26 titan London
Anyone can join TankkSTARS to meet many friends to do STRIKES and RAIDS and story mode missions! No level restrictions just FUN! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/260907/0/1/0
Hi 23 from ipswich play a lvl 27 Titan add me fozzy_bear_91
Edited by Fairy_King92: 9/18/2014 12:06:50 PMHi psn : lukyboi17 level 26 hunter Looking for people to try the new raid out today if possible but also casual players so add me if you like ps4 and ill help out when I can :-) 22, cheltenham, uk
PSN ID - srm79 (Add a comment saying you're from the Bungie.net forums if adding please) Edinburgh Struggling to find enough people online at once to do any of the level 20+ content, I've been stuck at 20 since Monday!
Add me SLIXz_SKILLz 19 years old from Leeds UK me and my mates play most nights and weekends want to make a team for PVP, strikes and raids if anyone interested also starting a clan if anyone interested will be a UK only clan
Hey, PSN - guvnor1690 Glasgow Scotland, UK
Based in Essex, UK here! Feel free to add me on PSN! Level 24 Titan [b]PSN: xMaycomb[/b]
PSN: PlugFactory Level 24 Titan Sheffield, England Also started my own clan if anybody is interested. Mostly Brits at the moment. Link posted above
Request sent mate gt tony696
PSN ID - Calico311 Level 21 Hunter Surrey, England
Level 8 Titan. Only started playing yesterday. Very active in game. 27 years old from Hertfordshire and looking for other serious players as I'm getting bored of useless morons leaving games all the time. PS4 player - PSN is Charlie-The-Don
PS4 - Level 20 Hunter, Also have level 4 for both other classes. Play mainly on evenings and weekends and from the UK. [b]Add me - The_TOMBSTONE-[/b]
[quote]UK guardians unite! (Also Scotland too, depending on how that goes...) Figured i'd make a post predominantly for any Brits out there but anyone else feel free to join. PSN: MajorSteak[/quote] Just added you, I'm "plowking69"
[quote]UK guardians unite! (Also Scotland too, depending on how that goes...) Figured i'd make a post predominantly for any Brits out there but anyone else feel free to join. PSN: MajorSteak[/quote] Hi im from Norwich UK 33yo GT Fertile_Turtle80
Taggy-86 lvl 20 hunter from Burton/derby area.
Psn damopointy north west Lancashire 28 ps4
Yeah add my psn CRZombie
Check out www.UnitedLegion.net massive friendly PS4 Destiny clan! Never fight alone again 90% UK players
Psn: PSFaux - 25 from Birmingham
Add me the_starlord Is there a uk only clan we can join?