originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Hey hit me up, I'm on as much as I can GT is: Lemon Juiced. Luckily I have five days off starting now so plenty of time to make an ally or two! Got a level 21 Hunter and trying to crawl myself to 26 before the raid hits. Add me if you want someone fun and polite to run around with :) would be great if we could get six people together when Glass shows up!
Hey,im a lvl 22 Titan. Would like to get a fireteam ready too for the strikes and raids. GT:x shadow321 x(spaces included)
I'm a level 20 hunter looking for people to play with. Gt Zadyk Tron. Pvp, story or strike missions I'm up for anything really.
Gamertags TactfulWill Level 21 warlock. Tryin to get level 26 before the vault goes up. Definitely looking for some people to help take it down. Add me
My GT is Deathbrew2(I've had it for a decade, on various online games). I'm the same, I'd like some folks to game with who aren't... rude...