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9/13/2014 1:54:10 PM

What does the future hold for Destiny?

All right. Now hear me out here. Destiny is a mmorpg, right? Okay now let's make a comparison to another mmorpg, world of Warcraft. More specifically, Vanilla WoW WoW: pick a character out of the few choices. Level it up to 60 by dojng quests and dungeons and expand your character. Destiny: pick a character out of few choices. Level it up to high 20s by playing story and things and expand your character. WoW: what the game wants is endgame content. That's all it is about. Once your max. It's all about raids and dungeons and pvp. Destiny: once story Is over. It's all about end game content. With raids and strikes. And pvp. Okay so hopeful theory time: destiny just launched. And they are about to release the first raid. I hope And I think that later on they will add a expansion (Burning Crusade) adding a new planet, raising level cap (is there one? If not then this theory is basically busted.) and adding raids. Then repeat. (Lich King, Cata.) I hope this happens because that would be huge at blending the mmorpg category from PC to Console. Let me know your opinions and judgements.

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