originally posted in:Embers of Rage
So you've probably hooked-up, downloaded, installed and got your game on when Destiny fell into your hands back on the 9th of this month and I'm sure you are just as excited as we are that it's finally here
You've also probably raced through everything to see how fast you can climb in ranks or show off just how good you are. But remember. This game is not about seeing how fast you can be. It's about the enjoyment of playing, exploring and killing some fools along the way. It's about the unity you can share with your friends and the experience you gain along the way.
The draw back is that when playing and when ranked higher then your friends, you just might be taking away their thunder, so let's all work together. After all, you climbed in rank, so why can't we do the same?
Have fun, and game on!
I think it's funny that the "vault" opens in 3 days and there are still players unable to play. So much for a fair advantage for everybody for that "statue"
Yea. I'm inly level 11 and I played with a buddy who is ranked 23 and when playing with him, he was blowing through what I have not seen yet and gaining all the XP. I had to cut him and say [quote]WTF MAN... YOU'VE ALREADY DONE THIS. LET ME EXPERIENCE IT JUST AS MUCH AS YOU DID[/quote] he got pissed because I was taking a while....but I had to remind him that he was this point at one time and just because he is a higher rank, didn't mean that he could go all balls out and soak up the XP and get all the loot. Needless to say, he is no longer a friend I play with on the game. Same it is but I need to experience the game just as much as anyone else as well.
The alpha and beta were all rush rush rush. .. I'm totally taking my time now with the full release
I rushed through it at first, but now I'm taking my time to explore now that I need 16 helium filaments, and that spirit crap from Venus to upgrade my armor once.
True. I'm level 21 and only just started exploring Venus. Always play the game on hard (When I was given the chance) and I'm loving it.