My only complaints/suggestions are as follows:
1.) PLEASE allow me to dim/turn off the HUD in "settings"!! Yes, I still have a plasma TV, and no, I do not want my ammo counter burned into the screen.
2.) Please provide an overworld map. The waypoints are useful in story missions, but they're worthless when you're doing smaller objectives. I'm tired of getting lost.
3.) Crucible is horribly unbalanced, to the point where it's not even that much fun to play. Half the time you don't know why you died, and the other half you know it's because the other player has this gun that makes them almost invincible. I saw a guy with a 22.0 K/D ratio and that shouldn't even be possible.
4.) Let us SKIP the cut-scenes!
5.) I'd like to be able to edit my character's appearance after creation. If I want to change my hair or something I shouldn't have to make a new character.
6.) Proximity chat would be great.
7.) Let us keep our progress/equipment from the beta!