originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
I wouldn't mind playing night falls and raids
PSN: BlueBox25 Played Alpha, Beta and since Day 1! Add on guys!
Add me PSN - same as my name
Add me psn :alee275
favaholic ps4
Everyone watch this YouTube video to save gaming of the future! Don't Buy The Dark Below or House of Wolves Destiny DLC Expansion Packs Because Destiny is Bad BDobbinsFTW
Add me ? Wazted305
Level28 Hunter Psn: SasaJ
Feel free to add me. Lvl 29 hunter gamer tag ZERO_8677
I'm new here.Feel free to add me, psn: heflux ;))
Add if your an Active Destiny player like Myself :) PSN:AbstractHero 29 Titan 21 Warlock See you in VOG, Crucible, and nightfall Guardians! Lol Add away! :)
We probably don't play as late as you do but you are more than welcome to have your Fiance join our clan if he plays between about 6 - 10pm during the week and mostly all day during Sat and Sunday. Check out our page and you can decide for yourself.
She quit the game 2 weeks ago and the dogs still haunting
Soooo u have 5256 friends now? LuLz
Gamer tag bryce1776. Feel free to friend me.
We Are the Spectres of long departed Guardians. We have risen to bring retribution to those who have defiled our world. To those who have laid waste to our brothers and sisters in arms. They who stand before us will be crushed in the wave of revenge that only we as spectres can can bring forth. Are you worthy of being called a Spectre. WE THINK YOU ARE. JOIN US NOW ON PS4 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/211551 OR SEND ME A MSG AND ILL INVITE U. We need guys for Weeklies, Dailys, Strikes and Vog Now!!!
Level 27 (at the moment) Female Awoken Titan More than happy to help out with strikes, raids or any bounties you have lying around :)
Holy shit. You guys go buck wild when a female posts ahaha.
Il help you out
Well add me mostcho
Hello, This is small core group starting a PvP focused clan focusing on team work, class synergy, weapon discussion, map pathing and strategies, as well as fun PvP cheese tactics. We are located in the mid west and are very active nightly, weekends, and our primary PvP night is fridays 7-1am E.s.t My hope is to have a core group of people who enjoy and excel at PvP, and too also raid to get drops and mats for upgrades. Eventually i would like to have a small community to which embraces the current and future progression of Destiny PvP Come and join iPvP. http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/514255 -Diablious-
Edited by DaiSongz: 10/15/2014 3:32:57 PMHi, if you want to make friends. You can join my Clan. We are small and trying to grow. It's DaKaMaKiZieBunNiEs. If you request to join, I will add you and I'll add you on my friends list. Game tag is Daisongz.
Hi let's play my Gamertag is horizon_chief lvl 27
Edited by Wh0rd0r: 10/12/2014 1:32:05 AMSame story with me!! Trying to find a clan also :/ Lvl. 27 warlock PSN: wh0rd0r
Hey check me out im Razorboy267 Hunter: lvl 21(jus found out how to level up) Average player Lookin for Some friends on PS4
By the way, we now have another lady in our clan, she's 22 and from Texas.