originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
U can add me. I play a good bit when I can. Out visiting Mickey Mouse with the kids this week but will be back online Sunday Deathdealr2679
Wow, you guys as a community are amazing. Thank you for all the friend request and all those who have played with me in the past couple nights! :D
kaanyewest13 Lvl 20 hunter!
I'm a father of 3 and i'm looking for some nice PSN friends Deadly_pixel
We gotta stick together and we know all about that graveyard shift Add me thatlattecup Also female The official name of the clan is Fun Up x 2 http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/285117 I am posting this on behalf of the founder BagelManJ. We would like to invite anyone of any level, class, and etc to our new, fun, and easy going clan. We do events, strikes, raids, bounties, and we will help you level up your character with story missions (we got your back!) You don't have to have a mic. We are NOT mic shy however. Feel free to chat with us. This is a totally chilled laid back clan. We understand most cannot commit such and such hours to the game that's why we like to emphasize in one game session with FunUpx2 we will guarantee you laughs and progression for your character's abilities.
Edited by JBaggins: 9/15/2014 11:05:18 PMPlay station and Sony both suck balls. Xbox and Microsoft is the only way to go.
Over-w8 23 Titan. On in the evenings est time.
tunnelrat3264 Level 20 Hunter
lil_oogie_boogie Lvl 20 Titan
I'd love to have anyone who's nice and needs a level 24 Hunter on their fire team any day hahaha. HanniYatsuki on PSN Eastern Time Add me for any Mission that yah need an extra hand with
kaanyewest13 Lvl 20 hunter bladedancer hmu
ZIYAN132 add me and we shall fight as brothers...it is our DESTINY on PS4!!! I am a level 13 warlock on PS4 and my timezone is GMT+2 but it does not matter as I am always available when my fellow gamers are in need!
Add me. I'm usually up late myself and would be more then willing to help out
PSN: I_PWNZ_YOUR_FACE class: Hunter lvl: 23(atm) Time zone: EST Clan: ShaqFu
I need other players to play with aswell for end game content please add me details below: I play on PS4 Level 25 Hunter On all times off the day Add me on psn for strike missions and raids PSN: OFFRIMITS
Livius-88 add me;)
lvl 21 warlock psn: Jaysos1337 looking for all kind of people to do pve & pvp
25 defender LF clan to raid with PSN Fenix12264
RTANK2300 level 21 hunter PS4
20 titan defender wiketclown1985
Lavitb psn Warlock level 20
Lvl 11 Hunter and lvl 5 warlock. I've just started the game, hoping to make some friends for group play. PSN name Lucefuge
Also looking for casual PS4 friends. PSN name Turas-1. Level 20 Titan. Mostly play nights and weekends EST zone.
Lvl 26 looking for raid friends , KSA
Add me I need some people to play wit PSN- iEako2
Ger Id:Cyberdetlef2 Titan lvl18