originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
My fiancé and I just bought a new PS4 for destiny and I only know like 5 people with it. I'm just looking for some friends to play with since I work graveyard and they are usually asleep when I get a chance to play. Yes, I am a girl and please be courteous and understanding.
Anyone looking for a fun clan to PVP, Raid, Rare Gear Farm or just explore, Fairy Tail is open to join!
My whole family plays on PS4 and we have a clan started based on my website playstationhaven.com. You (or anyone) can add me on PSN: darkgemineye and if you want in on the clan you can find it here: http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/188649
Add me, my husband and I just got the PS4 as well. I'm not as good of a player as he is but I love to play for fun. I'm up all odd hours depending on the day. - Bre (BreanneJK)
Add me! caskett41319
Add me xXBuckxxWillyXx
Always looking for some cool people to play with. Add me PSN: rob99ky
Hi Add me NekoPanda1! im a girl too. I will be a night player as well. :D And weekends are free game. Though sometimes it's my husband or me. We play the same character. not enough time for both of us to play different characters we work at the same place :P
http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/279509 nice bunch of people
Hi, I'm up most nights pretty late if you're ever on. @gqadams is my psn
Feel free to add me, I'm on pretty late weekends and at night during the week. PSN is Supaki_san
PS4 tag is NERV_Concussion, I'll game with anybody.
Anyone can add me lvl 20 on ps4
Username: Babyturk012 Also looking for ps4 clanmates! Keepers of The Flames
Psn YuGotDarvished lvl 24 titan. Hit me up!
My psn is LingeringPig I'm on all the time and I hate whenever I get on and everyone is asleep so I feel your pain
Add me kidlogicc
Name: PhantomZore Class: Hunter Level: 24 Location: United Kingdom Looking for friends to do weekly with and more strikes etc
Come join the ultra laid back and friendly PSU Gladiators. We don't give a monkeys if you're female, male, or something in between. Just click the link.
Feel free. Just got my PS4 PSN; BoomBoomTim
PSN: Zacka88 Do add please, kinda boring playing destiny all alone.
Level 22 Titan , PSN MMXIII_BLURz. I hope you add
Jonboifc - gamer tag , same story .
Add me please. I'm looking for people to help with the weekly events and futur raids
Add me on ps4. Id Killianfoxx. As of now i am a lvl 25 Warlock and my brother is a lvl 25 titan. We run daily quest weekly heroics and world events.
Add me and join my clan PSN LLcoolJaaye
Add me zed420 lvl 15 Titan.