originally posted in:Winter Guard
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As a (currently) lvl 24 Hunter, I've spent a good amount of time playing the class and experimenting with my own game play style. I tend to play very low key, allowing, normally my other teammates to soak up damage while I sit back with a rifle or hand cannon and land those juicy critical shots weather it be PVP or PVE. In this post I want to describe why I believe the use of the Hunter's Invisibility is greater then most people might think.
[u]The Class:[/u] [b]Hunter[/b]
[u]Subclass:[/u] [b]Blade Dancer[/b]
[b]Abilities selected:[/b] Flux Grenade, Double Jump, Blink, ARC Blade, Vanish, Blink Strike, Escape Artist, Path Forgotten, Shadowjack, Way of the Drifter, Stalker
[b]Primary:[/b] Hand Cannon
[b]Special:[/b] Sniper Rifle
[b]Heavy:[/b] Rocket Launcher
[b]PVP: [/b]During PVP matches I tend to play slow and I keep a keen eye on what's around me via radar. Invisibility can be used to sneak around and outplay people, especially coupled with the maneuverability of Blink. I normally find myself in game modes like Control Point, perched high near flags, keeping people away from my point using the rifle or out maneuvering them in gun fights. Most people don't know but when you go invisible, your radar ping is removed, even when running, so crouching for the invisibility and running into rooms normally means you can get the drop on most people. Blink also helps you get away, or dodge bullets for extended gunfights. The invisibility also makes you a real jerk when it comes to sniper fights. In some game modes, invisibility can also be used to sneakily revive your teammates! Who doesn't like getting stuck in the face by a sticky from an invisible man, your enemy that's who! Arc Blade coupled with the invisibility means you can get in close without being noticed and slice and dice your enemy's to shreds.
[b]PVE:[/b] During Strikes or any mission where staying alive and reviving is vital to winning, invisibility greatly improves your chances of survival. Enemy A.I will stop firing upon you as soon as you go invisible, use this time to run to a downed teammate and revive him or find safety from a large mob to regenerate (CAREFUL! Using Blink will take off your invisibility!). I tend to use the invisibility to set up a few critical hits for myself without the fear of getting aggro'd.
Invisibility tends to have a good amount of usage. See if you can find a few!
I have to agree with Malacite, I think it's very beneficial in PvE but a hit or miss in PVP. Considering the pace PVP is normally going at, taking the time to stealth around the map makes you lose out on a lot of the action. However in PVP, just as you stated.. it can be a LIFE saver; especially in the weekly/high level strikes. I am sure it'll come in handy for the raids.