originally posted in:Adamas Veritas
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OK so I wanna shoot for Wednesday night at around 6:30 pm central for a few hours. If you would like to participate, let either me, dolittle, or Bergman know since we already pretty much locked in as 3/6 members for the week (as long as we are getting close to level needed).
I'm not gonna stress on which class setup is best. Just come on which class you think you are MOST Efficient on. AKA if you come into a raid with the subclass and don't even have it's super yet, heads will roll.
Just be able 1) to at least listen if you can't really talk due to kids sleeping or whatever. 2) attempt the weekly challenge for the week, that shit is hard/fun. 3) stick with the group, we don't get a map or any hints like all the other missions.
Good luck people
I haven't been able to binge-play as much as I'd like, so I'm still leveling. Will probably hit 20 today, but just so I know, what methods have you used to gain Light gear to raise your level from there? If you've found one particular method seems to have a better chance of getting Light gear, that would be helpful information :D. The level 25 requirement means I'll need +5 Light from 4 pieces of gear (or can weapons have Light stat on them, too?). No guarantees I'll be there by Wednesday (work + renovating basement = not as much Destiny time), but I'd like to help figure them out and get them done. One question, though, what are your general opinions on figuring out strategy? And by that I mean are you wanting to figure things out purely on our own as a team, or will you be consulting Youtube videos for ideas about how to tackle the Vault?