Attention All Xbox One Achievement Hunters, You Ready to Raid?
To all achievement hunters, I am setting up a schedule to complete all the achievements related to the Strikes and Raids. I have set up a clan that I will link to at the bottom.
- I'm looking for a max of six members. If there is somehow an overflow of members, I will try to split us into teams.
- We will be starting our hunt on Tuesday the 16th, the day the first Raid becomes available.
- We will start the morning off with the Strike achievements. We will split into two teams and do a Strike on the Earth or Moon, whichever goes faster.
- Once all of us are done with the Strikes, we will then move onto the Raid.
- Our first run will just be normal to figure out how to beat it and make a plan. We can try to not die on our first go, but it won't be our top priority at that moment.
- After we figure it all out, we will finish the Raid on Hard, and do it again without dieing if we can't on the first try.
- I live in California, so hopefully we can all be from within the same time zone, maybe with a one to two hour offset.
- It would be best to start as early as possible, somewhere around 8:00-9:00 A.M. PDT
- You must have a character of at least level 26.
- You must be a dedicated, mature gamer that will stop at nothing to earn these achievements, with all of Tuesday, or maybe all week, free.
- By mature, I mean no whining, no trolling, no distractions. I'm not saying we can't have any fun, but please just be cool.
- Excuses such as, "I'm bored after one try, we'll try again next week" or "But I wanted to deploy the ghost! You guys suck I'm outta here!" will NOT be tolerated.
- By dedicated, I mean we play nothing else until we get these done. No playing the Crucible or anything for an hour to "unwind". We are going full force into this vault, and there's no stopping.
- We will still go to the Tower to decrypt engrams, sort loot, turn in bounties, etc. but absolutely no kicking purple balls off of balconies for half an hour or any kind of stalling like that.
- We will, of course, take 5-10 minute breaks once in a while for both our bladders, and our sanity.
- You MUST first join the clan I have set up.
The link to join the clan:
My gamertag is SkullFire58.
Let's Become Legend.
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