originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Looking for 5 others to raids with, drop your gt if you're down.
Level 25 Hunter Gamertag : ZRkillerBUSH
26 Warlock DeviousAardvark
26 Warlock DeviousAardvark
25 warlock
zblock135 Warlock, Level 22
ShyHighEmoGuy 25 Hunter, GunSlinger Maxed.
Gt - ventura00 Warlock lvl20
O1ah75 level 23 warlock sun singer almost maxed I have a mic will use it if I need to but will be off a lot durning week cuz school but I can grind on weekends
Edited by Chachian007: 9/15/2014 5:06:31 PMGT: Chachian007 Lvl 22 Hunter
GT Glockevelli. But FYI the location I am at has a strict internet service provider so I cannot hear or talk to anybody. I'm pretty good though level 21 warlock
Mansfield I 1 I (they're i's) Uk Level 20 hunter
Alright, added all of you, would like to start 1pm pacific time Tuesday, since there's so many people I'll just invite everyone and whoever joins first is in, planning on doing it a few times so when there's opens spots I'll invite again, also beings there quite a few people could get multiple fireteams going.
Hey lvl 24 hunter with upgraded legendary sniper n rockets gunslinger about to be maxed. Gt. xpurple yurkelx
Zuez117 so far I'm a lvl 14 warlock working my way up
"Flint coal 54" bored as hell. 22 warlock 13 Titan 9 hunter
Here's my gt CrazyCali213
Hey add me MaNg5 im down let do it level 22
ViciousOpz lvl 24 love to also earn the achievement, to complete a raid with members
Frank Brown Lvl 22 defender titan
Add me xIEliteTacoIx (those are i's)
GT: WalkingTumor lvl 20 hunter
lvl 20 titan GT:tweekergoldfish
My friend (lvl24) and I (lvl26) would be down to play Me: xGUMMYxWAFFLESx Friend: HOLD OR FOLD
BbyJungleBeaver I've got a lvl 26 warlock
Alright, I added all of you.