originally posted in:The WoIfpack
Whats going on fellow clan members! looking forward to playing with you guys. add my PSN: r3n3gad3_1408. i want to start pvping and raiding. message me if you guys are down!
Also new to PS4: Lilgoody2shoes. PVP or PVE. Add me.
I too a new to the Playstation network. I'm a convert from the XBOX live crew. Yes, I'm trying to build up a friend list. I'm not very interested in PVP right now. I tried it and find it terribly unbalanced. You can pretty much own PVP with a shotgun and melee attack. Anyway... If you're looking for a PVE partner hit me up!
We are mostly a PvP Clan, but there are some wolves who rather Strike all day, decide your path and hit me up with your decision fellow member :)