originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Looking for people to play with on xbox one and do strikes and raids etc. Add me if you're down. GT: ATG Cammmm
[b]GT: cardiguy[/b] I have two characters right now: 21 Hunter / 23 Warlock Literally just looking for friends to make and anyone willing to farm or do some Ray-like grinding. Send me a friend request and I'd like to find fireteams for the raid or the weekly/daily strikes or missions!
23 Titan, been focusing on PvP but I just realized the marks are capped each week. Would be great to do some strikes with people who use headsets! I've also been trying to complete my weekly strike... but it seems impossible to solo and it won't matchmake a team for it... so if anyone is up for that do let me know! Gotta get dem strange coins for dat strange guy... GT - Railtrackspike - Blind invites are fine, I'll know they came from this thread!
Add me Xbox One Gamertag: X Solid
Add me lvl 25 warlock GT: Shinihallaw
Gt: EchoIV swe
Long time halo fan, and ready to throw down. Let's do this !!! GT: Madxmanx666
Im up for anything x5nak3x level 24 hunter at the moment
If needing an friend, my Gt is my name: Sangheili Ultra.
GT:RedWell Lvl 25 Hunter Raids and PVP
Gamertag: KiD Spectre 21-Hunter 15-Titan 2-Warlock Story/Strikes/Raids
GT: DarthKermit
GT-NeloAngelo47 25 warlock looking for new friends. PVE focused. Raids heroics and bounties
GT: Ashure Hunter Add me
Gt : N7xSageTacticsX
GT: smiler1996 add me
Level 24 warlock. Gamertag is Kastor. Hells yeah!
26 hunter both subclasses maxed, add me Zager465 willing to do strikes and raids has and will use a headset.
25 Hunter. Headset and I'm an aggressive player. GT is Vainglorious89. On right now to do Nightfall strike.
GT; comph lvl 25 add me
Hey I'm a 26 sunslinger is anyone up to help me with a 26 strike for my exalted hand canon?
GT Dieselrose 22 hunter
Gamertag: Triton61
Edited by AZ Nikko: 9/15/2014 8:08:34 AMAdd me. Level 25. Maxed Warlock. Anyone add me im Half way to 26 and have two other 25s buddies half way to 26, playing daily. GT: AZ Nikko
Hey I'm up for it, add me.. can only get on tomorrow though, weekdays :/ GT: SHREDDER68
Edited by Devin Torres: 9/15/2014 7:04:32 AMgamer tag: Sierra 671 Class: Hunter level: 24 faction: dead orbit, rank 1 clan: Adjoining Slayers mic: yes this is open to anyone reading this, add me and if online ill be happy to help with strikes or crucible if not already in party
anyone add me and I'll add back. currently 21 gt jakefolk. I have a mic but I've really only got party chat to work in this game