I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
Im a titan and im almost always on top...25 kills or so...+ or - 10 The hunter and lock are fun to play w too tho
I did it on my Titan
I hate their jumps and the feel slow now matter how much agility I run with
You guys are missing the point completely! Hes right and everyon knows this Titans are at a disadvantage in the crucible thats plane as day i have a Titan and reck the crucible with both sub classes im just really comfortable in the crucible but if Titans We'rent at a disievantege it wouldn't even be fair i completely understand why bungie did what they did make Titans weak to even the playing this was ther best option. Example 1. The Titans codex skill tree is basically a joke compared to the other classe, hunters scavenger give me a break .Example 2 Titans grenades are clearly at disadvantage and definitely requires way more skill to use literally no one could argue that there have been alot of times when someone would stand in the middle of my pulse grenade un phased and have a shoot out with me unbelievable if Titan grenades Aren't thrown dead on they wont do shit on worlock and hunters grenades completeopposite requires no skill trust me i know i have a hunter there grenades seek and chase you way more effective. Example 3 Titans super is amazing death from above all day but once again bungie puts a leash around Titans our supers are useless in the crucible unless you get a jump on your opponent but if your both aware of each other fist of havic is unless ward of dawn is useless. Golden gun beats ward of dawn, golden gun beats fist of havic, blade dance beat ward of dawn, nova bomb beat ward of dawn, nova bomb beats fist of havic,._.. Soo if your a hunter or warlock you Shouldn't brag about being better than someone in the crucible especially if ther aTitan
I think you should try using a different class. My first character was a striker Titan, and I leveled him up to lvl 28 before I made a hunter. I made a hunter 'cause I was like, "Beotches keep killin me wif dere f-ing hunters in Crucible". I regret nothing. The feel of the Hunter is much more good, much more comfortable than a Titan. For me least. Then, just a month or so ago, I made a warlock, and I liked playing as that even more than I did my hunter! I've tried going back to my Titan a few times over this period, but he just doesn't FEEL good to use. I think Titans are great in PvE. PvP, meh, they're ok. It all really depends on the player though. You could have the best gear in any game, the "best class", and lots of friends, but it comes down to you. What YOU feel comfortable with. If you want to, you can try to get better with the Titan in Crucible. Or you can avoid the Crucible altogether, and continue to use your Titan. Or you can make a warlock and/or hunter if you haven't already, and try using them in Crucible.
Love my Titan in crucible, especially in Trials. Thorn doesn't take us down as easily due to our armor, and there's no melee bout we don't win. Shoulder charge will defeat anyone in a single hit. A fist of havoc can ruin an entire fireteam's day- and can counter any blade dancer or sunsinging revive with ease. Our grenades are powerful (lightning grenades are my favorite), and versatile- suppressors and flashbangs can give you a hell of an advantage if used right. And there is no better bullet sponge than a shielded defender Titan. I could go on. But you get the picture. It's all how you use it. You can't play like a hunter or a warlock. You take advantage of your armor and your abilities, and you figure out how to use then to counter those of the other classes.
No. You're just bad at using them. But don't worry, everyone has a Class with worst control than others. My worst class is Hunter, and no for that it's the worst class ever. Try to use the most comfortable class for you :)
Worse then you think
I am not greatest PvP but my titan can hold its own. We are slower and tanker; however, I have found using the Mida can offset that and allow me to spec armor and recovery.
I have a bad internet connection and i use last word + shotty + mg on my striker, i'm pretty much a teleporting killing machine.
Titans are gods in 6v6 game types Ever use death from above in control?
Titans are skill based and require more strategy but i will say they're over due for a OP crucible exotic. They dont excel in one field over the other classes.
I think titans are fine aside from you kinda gotta be careful with your super and try not to waste it on one player unless it is the game winning kill wanna try to havoc them in groups. I mean fist of havoc can seem kind of broken at times when I put two golden gun shots into a titan about to smash and he doesn't die and walks away with half health somehow
They are the weakest in PvP IMO. The only good thing they have going for them is the grenades. Both subclasses have awesome grenades. Strikers FoH is cool but hard to get more than 1 or 2 at a time. The bubble is nice but a golden gun will destroy it easily.
yes they are There is nothing that titans excel in close combat with over hunters or warlocks
I play best with my Titan...
yeh they def have disadvantage but if you can learn to play it correctly you can be beastly think i went 30-5 on defender
Obviously you're not using the lightning grenade, please don't though. It like a trip mine but just barely doesn't kill so you just lay 1 hit on them and their down
Titan is the only character I'm positive with.
No most op
Worst of my three classes yer.
Lightning Grenade and Shoulder charge. Nuff said
Nope. Titans are the best in pvp. 2.7kd in Rumble with over a 60% w/l and a 2.3kd in control (which i need to build back up because of noobs in IB). I love teaching hunters lessons.
Bruh you got to play this for what it is. It isn't COD. You have to get familiar with these maps and use everything you have and know to win. Place your grenades in sweet spots where people are huddled. Learn to hold onto that super unless you have to use it. Get guns that you like and just get into it bro. Try clash.
Check my recent games. Aside from my buddy who is a PvP great, I definitely held my own, being consistently positive. Run lightning grenades, shockwave or aftermath, unstoppable and headstrong, and armamentarium if you have it. I'll be switching to eternal warrior and run shoulder charge when I max it so I have SC and unstoppable.
Went 9-0 in ToO on my Titan, obviously not