I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
Helm 14 + shield + armour of light + shotgun = endless deaths to the enemy and when that warlock with nova bomb destroys your shield then takes a shotgun to the face and dies is priceless
bubble + helm of saint 14 + shotgun. throw that down on an objective and watch the kills roll in. if your not a defender, shoulder charge is -blam!-ing BS. so use that it makes people rage.
Try a new class then, and see how op a smash can be in blade dance and for people who think Titans are op, trying being one of them and seeing how op it is that hunter blade dancers can kill you in your bubble, just something to try out! [spoiler]You will most likely find that the classes are in fact balanced, like rock (Titan) paper (warlock) scissors (hunter) [/spoiler]
Edited by BStanley92: 5/10/2015 1:47:15 AMNot the best pvp class, but can do well if used properly. You have to ignore the urge to run head first into stuff. Hang back and take people out. If your going to be aggressive, lightning grenades with armentariam (sp?) is awesome, as it allows you to prime a group, or outright kill them if they are pinned. Use them a lot, kills will come. Also, select the perk that makes you near invincible while supering, over shoulder charge. Spec'ed out right the Titan can be a powerhouse. It took me a LONG time to figure out how to run a Titan successfully, and I'm still pulling my kd out of the negatives. Not easy, but fun. Edit: don't know who ressed this topic but god damn I need to check dates more often.
Titans are great at PvE but suck at PvP because their abilities favor running into the middle of a battle and either getting massive kills or protecting endangered players. You can't get those massive kills in crucible because some players can one hit kill you with abilities like golden gun. You can only protect.
Titans can still go ham you're just using it wrong
I use all classes in crucible.....and I get wrecked no matter who I'm using... : (
Edited by Lj: 4/12/2015 4:01:18 PMTitans are underpowered because their skill tree doesn't increase weapon benefits like a hunters (weapons ready, gunslingers trance, speed reload) Or provide residual effects like a warlock (burns, grenades) Hunters supers help rack up kills and they have blink Warlocks have blink Titans have shoulder charge which will get you killed a lot. I main a defender and it's all about play style. I learned how to play well with a titan People rely on hunters skill tree and super which is why they're are used more That reason alone, I respect good players that are Titans. It's the hardest class to be competitive with. Fools cry about FoH and shoulder charge but if they hopped on a titan they would be terrible. Don't get me started on how underpowered the ward of dawn is, yet I use it because when it's not getting pooped on by all the other supers, it's beautiful. Own your titan and master it. It's a rare breed. And I just realized how old this thread is but the fact still stands.
I won't say weakest. I will say least versatile. Titans do what they're supposed to do very well, which in my opinion is to be the backbone of the team. They just lack any upfront flexibility.
Maybe the Titan just doesn't fit your playstyle. Have you tried any other classes? Personally I enjoy and do the best on my warlock for my green thumb control config melees
Defender Titans rule crucible buy take the most skill so the tryhards stay away
Titans suck in crucible. But are best for noobs
I feel Titan is weaker than warlock or hunter and to me the main culprit is blink. A skilled blink user can gain an advantage where there was none, dodge rockets, quickly cover ground, get the drop on enemies, etc. i hope the third subclass will give Titans blink and then they will be more competitive.
Edited by ChewieOnVHS: 5/7/2015 8:03:04 PMA person who knows how to use a Titan are monsters in pvp. I love using a Titan in crucible and actually dominate others while using him. You have to use it awhile and get used to em. Edit: Just noticed the date....
Use my Mida at long mid to long ranges. I tend to win the gunfights.
It's cOld in here...
It's not just you. Titans are very limited by range. This makes it a real struggle to [b]consistently[/b] get 3+ kills with FoH. So much so that getting 2 feels like a real victory. If you save it with only the intentions of getting big multikills, you can go entire matches without ever using it. Notice how every person down below me praising the might of Titans isn't maining a Titan in the Crucible.... [b]Yeeeeah.[/b] Actions speak louder than words.
Are you broman? No well the. You aren't the worst.
Lightning grenades are strong as shit, with a surprisingly large area of effect. Fist of Havoc is wonderful to use in Control, or in emergencies. Shoulder charge is good for kills and quickly changing direction. (Jump first) The melee is a bit meh though.
I used to play crucible as Titan and I thought I was good. one day I tried playing as Hunter since then I'm "The best one around" or "On the bright side" [spoiler]not always but most of the times[/spoiler]
titans are strong in crucible there grenades are really good fist of havoc is strong and who could forget shoulder charge
Hey apparently I offended you by saying You're bad and by you I mean some of your readers whose sole purpose is to harass others because their lives are meaningless. What I meant to say is in my opinion I think titans are fine maybe you need to find a diffrent play style and practice with that. I recommend defender class.
Who the hell necro bumped this?!?! Come on own up to it already
Alright, who did it?
Edited by Slappppahow: 5/7/2015 7:32:38 PMTitan is arguably the best if used in team work. Hunters are probably the next since their abilities are very pvp oriented IMO. Warlocks are last on list. None are bad and all have potential to be good just depends on the player and the team. *all this based in control which is what I play.
You might need to practice a little more