I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?
You are worse then you think... Try to raise your recovery and toughness
Play control, invincible bubble titans are a good time
Nah dude i feel the same, i have all three classes lvl 32 hunter and 31 warlock and titan and the titan is harder to use than the other ones for pvp
Shoulder Charge to ya! :-)
Go watch the Titan vid DeeJ posted on the last update before Christmas, laughed so hard at the person owning using a bubble to get the win in the last minute I almost cried. Boss moves
Titans are awesome in PvP. My great friend plays a full time Titan and absolutely destroys in PvP. He uses striker and always gets a higher KD than me. I honestly think that it's the skill that determines how well you play in this game, not your class. He also is like a beast at other FPS games so yeah.
I do okay with my titan ...... not a big fan of PVP but i can do very well when i do play
Rethink your play style. I sucked at Crucible for a while. But recently started getting better. I've dominated with all three classes, seen many times where a Titan wrecks the other team. Just think on the situations that you got owned, and learn from them. Figure out ways to turn the tables. But don't sweat matches that don't go well. There are always people out there that are just too good, and will wreck your shit no matter what. Lastly, it's just a game. Have fun.
Edited by Are You Okay: 2/25/2015 2:43:41 PMTitans are the weakest class and therefore the class that requires the most skill. They are good for close combat but don't have extra armor. Fists of Havoc usually kills only 1-2 because enemies don't group up together. If you are good you can wreck with shoulder charge but it's pretty easy to see it coming. If you want easy mode play a Voidwalker with Voidfang vestments. Throw a grenade in (axion bolt) before you enter a room and watch your kills go up.
Titans are very weak in crucible because they rely too much on close combat which is extremely easy to counter. Fist of panic is the only good thing a Titan has in PVP as it makes them nearly unkillable. Even a fusion grenade stuck to them wont kill them if they fist of panic at the time it sticks. Shoulder Charge is very easy to counter with a Shotgun as is the Titan Melee. As for the Bubble that is just pointless.
Edited by GOTsomeHATERADE: 2/25/2015 2:30:30 PMTitans are beast in crucible. Strikers have shoulder charge and fist of panic, and defenders have their bubble, and a suprrssor grenade that causes enemies to lose their super. I've seen many defender titans play very aggressive instead of being defensive. Just try going in there with a team instead of solo. Being on a team of bums will get you wrecked like you're a bum lol Edit: btw I made a titan, loved it in crucible but was more a pve guy at the time so I deleted it. I've gotten into crucible a little more and was considering making a titan solely for crucible
Remember when destiny first came out Titans where shit now they just shoulder charge you in pvp because it's the easiest move and they put up there little bubble like the bitches they are haaaaa arnt Titans just AMAZING -_-
Git gud, Titanmasterrace
I'm not a Titan but I played my friend's Titan in the crucible to get her through the thorn bounty and honestly if I had no guns I could've more than held my own.
Nah its all play style based. Titans are good I still pull similar kd with titans compared to my hunter. I just prefer having triple jump and throwing knifes :p
Defender w/ invective
It's a matter of preference, I only play as a Titan in crucible. It's by far my favorite class.
I'm pretty alright with the Striker Titan I do t like defender cause I'm more aggressive and there are too many ways around the Ward of Dawn
Edited by DuelScythe: 2/25/2015 2:07:16 PMI do pretty well with the Titan. Try maxing out agility on the sub-class stats and see how it works out for you. And btw, your K/D doesn't look per say bad on your Titan. 1.0 is decent.
titans are good. defenders are a little reliant on that bubble and that tends to favour pve/control, but theyre good and their numbers are well represented in crucible last time i checked.
In my opinion, warlock is the weakest class but that is just me. Every class needs a different playstyle. For a striker Titan, I recommend armamentarium and lightning grenades. For me Titan is the strongest PvP class. Gunslinger hunter is a good second.
Honestly the Titan is the worst for PVP. I used to only have a Titan and then once I got my Hunter my K/D blew up. Everyone thinks shoulder charge is OP when its not, 90% of the time you'll get shotgunned before you can actually do it. There's a reason why in the top 100 K/D's only 17 of them are Titans. Titans are good for PVE not so much for PVP but they're still really fun to use.
Each class plays differently. I just started a Titan a few weeks ago and this recent iron banner was my first attempt at pvp on a Titan. I learned real fast that I couldn't play the Titan like I do my hunter. One of the big differences is the Titan jump. It's not good for quick situations, especially when compared to blink. So you have to be more situationally aware. Use your surroundings better. Shoulder charge is great when used properly, but it shouldn't be your go to ability. Use range to your advantage as well. So many players rely to heavily on shotties and fusion rifles. So stay back and pick them off with a good scout rifle or something with some range. Once you learn you can't play the exact same ways as hunters and warlocks you'll start getting better. If you want to play like a hunter or warlock then you should go create one.
There isnt a best pvp class, Titans are good to
Edited by tonylim538: 2/25/2015 1:23:37 PMNot sure what your play style is but in my case, I have a tendency to try and rush into people with shoulder charge and pop em with a shotty. Eventually I learned that shoulder charge was what was getting me killed most of the time lol. Slowing down, playing more strategically helped me play a lot better in the crucible. And sticking with a teammate or two can increase your survivability if you're with decent players.