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Edited by Grady Sk33ting: 9/15/2014 7:53:36 AM

Are Titans the weakest in the Crucible, or am I just worse than I think?

I've tried Crucible over and over. My friends tell me it's fun, and that you have to get use to it, but they're playing as Warlocks and Hunters. I'm constantly being wrecked by players, that are mostly Hunters and Warlocks. Even thinking about it, I don't really see that many Titans in the Crucible. The Titan abilities seem to only really work in defense, even the Striker Subclass. Is any other Titan just getting destroyed out there? I'm good at games like Halo and Battlefield, and I'll admit, I'm not great at Crucible, but this is out of control! Does anyone feel the same? Are Titans a weaker PvP class?

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  • My Titian seems to be doing work. I think that It just depends on your weapon and your accuracy with it.

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  • The skill requirement for Titans in the Crucible is pretty high right now. Once you become really good at the Striker subclass, you can really do a lot of damage. Just abuse the shit out of the shoulder charge, your shotgun and pulse grenades. Take a good, precision primary weapon to handle threats beyond your shotgun's reach and try to prematurely charge your shoulder charge before you rush enemies in a defensive position (around a control point, salvage point, etc.) Stick to confined quarters as that is where your abilities are most useful.

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by Dank_Plank: 10/21/2014 10:09:24 PM

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    • Titans with shotguns are frightening, and that bubble shield is the best power in control.

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    • Edited by GalvatronVTS: 10/21/2014 10:05:49 PM
      I don't think any one class is underpowered or overpowered. I have all three at twenty six or damn near close, after playing all three in Crucible I can honestly say you'll think every class but yours is overpowered. It's not just the super kills but the melee differences and a combination of Bungie ball drops and player base decisions, like the people who knew VM had no place in PVP yet took it there anywhere. Now in the case of the Hunter's melee being underpowered compared to the others I don't know, I've killed people with the throwing knife but I can't remember if it was a one shot ( or two ) with their shield up or not. Some subclasses need a little tweaking but Titans are pretty boss in pvp. Your special can clear out the entire team with ease, your grenade can cover a lot of ground and do it for a little bit if you have the perk for that. Since Bungie never said each class will have a designated role in the game I don't understand people's rants about Titans crumbling just as fast as the other two classes. Sure it looks like his armor is better but the point to Crucible is to make everyone stand on equal ground in terms of damage done and damage taken. Iron Banner is probably the opposite, I haven't tried it but from what I heard there is no normalization. Your attack is what it is in PVE and the same goes for Armor.

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    • Everything is balanced perfectly. Everyone counters everyone else

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      4 Replies
      • I average a 1.45 as a titan in my main gametype, skirmish. Average 1.54 as a Hunter. I don't play Warlock, not yet anyway. However, in all crucible variations my hunter trumps my titan k/d. Nothing really changes except the minor gear perks between the 2 classes. I run last word, found verdict, and zombie apocalypse between my characters. From my pool of data I can conclude hunters are better for pvp than titans. I'm certain I could find gear with identical perks for both classes with the same weapons and the hunter will continue to sport the better k/d.

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      • Git gud.

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      • You're worse than you think

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      • Your worse than you think.. Prob strongest class.

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      • It might seem like that simply because there aren't as many titans as locks/hunters. There isn't a better class than the other it all depends on the player.

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      • 0
        I have a 28 Titan a 27 hunter and a 26 warlock and I can promise you the Titan sucks compared to the warlock and hunter in pvp

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      • I -blam!- people up as my Titan. You are bad

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      • I'm trying to rank up my Titan at the moment, and so far all he has against him is his melee. Kind of lame that he is the ONLY character without a ranged melee. Warlocks have super range with theirs, and hunters lunge while the Titan swings for air! I still can't get used to it...

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      • Titans are one of if not the strongest class in PvP when played correctly. You can lock down objectives and blind players with your bubble. The void beam of energy grenade in defender titan is guaranteed first blood if you run the their obj and throw it to the wall. Helm of saint 14 + bubble = awesome troll.

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      • At the end of the day, it really boils down to skill. All classes have strengths and weaknesses. Your k/d is around a 1.0 for every game type, so ur not bad at the game. 1.0 is average, and there's no shame in it. I play as all three. (just made a titan) IMO warlocks are the most powerful, hunters come second and titans third. *side note* all those ppl out there that claim to come in first every game and have a crazy good k/d, but don't. U know everyone can check your profile and your stats, right? There's no reason to lie about it

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        3 Replies
        • I see what you mean how titan seems to be not really great. I am also a titan and I've played games like halo and other things also. I think its a mix of things. For one thing, its the style of combat. In Destiny you have things like double jump melee finishers and other things which make it somewhat hard to get used to. Also the titan abilities are about equal to those of warlocks and hunters. Hunters have the gunslinger ability which is a one shot pistol and blade dancer which is basically a melee lunging ability. Warlocks have this nova bomb that is like a shoot-able grenade and sunslinger which just gives boosts to all abilities. Titan is left with fist of havoc (striker) which is a powerful ground pound and ward of dawn which creates a defensive shield. To be honest I've been is situations in pve were I had my super charge ability as a striker and needed a super charge ability like gunslinger that was more ranged. What the Titan's strength is armor which in crucible it only gives you like an extra hit from dying at max bar (which is like 9/10 of the bar for armor). I find what really helps in crucible is a few things, one its shoulder charge ability and or juggernaut is really good to just own enemies. Also its supercharge ability either fist of havoc or ward of dawn is really useful in pvp for the control game type, where you can defend a point or go offensive and kill enemies in a point. Titan gives you 2 sides of a coin, offensive or defensive. All classes are equal even it doesn't seem like it, they just have their own strengths and weaknesses.

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        • Every class has it's ups and downs Just remember grenade placement and don't just use your super right away , wait until you see the right moment, hunters have blink and warlocks have melee barrier , use that to your advantage

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        • I think that if you are used to a specific play style Titans are definitely require you to play and use them a bit differently. At times I can kind of get into the grove of how I feel a titan should be played. I have no exotics and I played this after Ive been playing battlefield 4 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT but I'm getting the hang of it.

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        • I personally get killed more over the gun than the actual class. Now I do say, when Titans run at me with a shotgun, I do tend to have a hard time killing them. I've used a Titan less than my warlock but have a better consistent K/D with the Titan. Change your play style!

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          • I've played all 3 classes and 5/6 subclasses, and the differences are quite small. Basically, if you're good it doesn't matter what class you play.

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            • I've been a Titan since day 1 and I haven't made any other character. Add me and I will show you the way. Quick tip: Don't ever use the Defender Subclass in PvP. Ever. Save your Striker Super for when you see someone else using a super or there is a big group of people on a control point or a group of people attacking you. You're correct when you say you have to play defensively. Everything else is based off of your individual skill. Switch to a different character if you're finding you don't have much skill. Oh and do not EVER use your Super on ONE PERSON. Like what a F****** waste.

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              4 Replies
              • Edited by Lethal: 10/19/2014 3:15:35 PM
                Yea we''re the weakest class, the Hunter has blink, maxed out agility an do just as much damage as the titan, because armor doesn't count in PvP which is stupid.(I'm not talking about defense stats I'm saying amor) Hunter has homing grenades an has range specials. Bladedancer is just annoying and should change how much damage it can take, because taking rockets in the face plus melee is Op Imo. Warlock has blink as well and he doesn't even have to melee kill you in order to get overshield(which is dumb) plus they can light you on fire with there melee on top of that, they have the longest rang melee in the game.....They can self resurrect, And go Dark Phoenix mode like UMvC3. There grenades are way better than any ones, because there so handicap. You can just toss it in the middle an it does the work for an the opponent has to run for about 4 miles to run away(Lol prime example ) If the Armor made a difference in this game I would say the titan stand a better chance, yea we have the bubble but you can just run away from it. The shoulder charge is easy to shotgun to the face, his Fits of havoc is probably his only good thing, besides his bubble with weapons of light. I just feel under powered as a titan, we should be the ones taking hits an causing havoc an I think they made the classes soo alike that he Hunter an Warlock can do the same but just better.

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                6 Replies
                • I am not a big Crucible player, so don't go too much by me. However, based just on the abilities, here is my analysis: Defenders are great for reactive play and area denial (Control point or Relic capture) Strikers are fantastic for ambush/snap AOE damage Bear in mind, the Striker's Shoulder Charge ability triggers any melee special effects (like Transfusion) and kills PvP enemies in one hit 99%+ of the time. It is one of the most complained-about abilities on these forums. And all you need is some space to run, not a charged bar of any kind (Shoulder Charge does full damage and triggers melee special effects regardless of Stormfist charge status). Fist of Havoc will also 1HK most enemies in PvP. Is it worth it to "waste" the super to kill just one enemy? I'd say if the choices are pop super or die, pop super in a heartbeat. Needless to say, if you run into a scrum of enemies and can trigger super before they scatter, you have a very good chance to get multiple kills. Lightning grenades are useless in open areas, but awesome for choke-point denial (doors etc). A great example is, "WE'VE WOKEN THE HIVE!" (Striker throws Lightning grenade on the door.) "Oh, where did everybody go?" I don't think Strikers or Defenders are underpowered. They have their own style of fighting and movement, and if you dedicate the time I believe they are 100% viable in any mode.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Kinda agree. The only advantage titans have is toughness, which means nothing in crucible and the defender is the only subclass that is completely useless.

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                  • Youre just worse then you think.

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