You're definitely right.
But let me get something out of the way first. I play as a titan and consistently go positive. In fact out of the hundreds of crucible matches I've played so far ive probably gone negative less than ten times. Mostly messing around. But I almost always have a 2.0. I have a 24 Titan, a 15 warlock, and a 21 hunter on another console. I have a 50in halo as well while we're on it lol. Now I love my Titan the most because he's a Titan.
HOWEVER. the Titan is definitely the weakest in PvP. Stop giving me that same bullshit about it having more armor and one hit punches. All armor in the crucible is equalized, its all the same. What's NOT the same is the speed, hunters and warlocks are still cobsiderably faster. As for the punches, every class has a two punch kill. Where the warlock can use his punch from a considerable distance and the Hunter has a pretty strong throwing knife, the titan just has a punch. Honestly to balance this it really should one hit kill but this won't happen. As far as supers.
No one here is going to argue that blade dancer isn't overpowered. That shit is a train and needs to be nerfed. That being said, the golden gun from my experience consistently gets more kills than both the warlock and titan super. Don't argue that it doesnt.. Because it does. If you want two kills with the Titan super you need to wait it out and choose your moment. This often leads to not having as many supers in the match as you could as a hunter. You pretty much always get 1 kills, sometimes two. Rarely 3 or more. Hunters consistently get 2, and often enough 3. Not to mention the golden gun is auto aimed out of this world, I think I get killed by that more than anything. The warlock super to me is the same as the Titans but you don't need to be next to someone to kill them, which makes it a bit safer than the Titan. There's also the shield thing the titan has but the solution to that is to just not go in it lol. Not hard.
This much is why I consider Titans the worst. The worst super, slow, lack of good melee, poor double jump, and weak grenades. That being said, I love how they look and I love actually using the super because I think it's fun. I really believe hunters are overpowered and need nerfing on both supers. Warlocks are fine. Titans need a definite boost.
Ps: if you use a shotgun, you're probably a pussy :)
Edited by Sixclicks: 9/17/2014 1:36:14 PMI don't think the Titan is weaker at all. They all are very well balanced. Shoulder Charge is incredibly powerful as it is a OHK with no cooldown. No other melee compares without some much harder to achieve condition than simply sprinting... something I do all the time. The throwing knife only drains shields and doesn't always OHK headshot (having the burn damage does help drain them to zero though). It's also a lot harder to use since you actually have to aim and it has a cooldown. Blink strike will never OHK an enemy with full shields unless you have the backstab skill speced and you manage to hit them in the back. It has a pretty long cooldown too. Arc Blade can be somewhat OP in some situations, particularly in CQC maps with objectives or when the enemy team sticks closely together, but is also very situation as well. Most of the time it just sits at the ready in a game because most of the time there aren't enough nearby enemies to warrant using it. Plus a shotgun or fusion rifle to the face up close will instantly end you even in Arc Blade. I've had it happen numerous times now. Granted this can be difficult when the arc blade users is lunging around like crazy. I find Golden Gun to be very lackluster honestly. It's the only super you really have to aim at all and in most cases you can only get up to 3 kills with it. You also don't gain any defensive bonus whatsoever while its active, so you will very easily end up dead. I'll agree that the Titan's grenades are lackluster, but they can still be effective with good placement (not to the same extent as some of the warlock and hunter grenades of course). As for defense, the Titan does have a slight base HP boost over the other classes even in balanced pvp. I have confirmed this on numerous occasions when trying to shoot my brother at near point blank range with a fusion rifle while he was standing still in Rumble just to drain his shield and sliver his health. At that range and with the same perfect shot, any hunter or warlock would be disintegrating away into the sunset. As for the shotgun thing, agreed. The plague of shotty noobs can get pretty damn annoying. I don't mind the fusion rifle nearly as much since it has that charge time to balance it, but shotguns can be CQC spam cannons. Sprint, slide, shoot shotgun, melee almost always guarentees a kill and is so quick that it often doesn't even show the animations from the point of view of the one getting shot. All you see is the slide and then your suddenly dead. The worst is when they have one of the exotic shotguns. Such as Invective or Universal Remote. Invective is a full auto shotgun with good range and regenerates ammo over time. Universal remote is a shotgun that gains a huge boost to its effective range when aiming down the sights and is counted as a primary weapon instead of a special. I ran into a guy with Invective last night, and it was pretty bad. There was no competing with it on a CQC map in Rumble. That said, I'll definitely end up thinking less of you as a gamer for only using a shotty, but I think that people should use whatever they want and enjoy using though. It's just extremely frustrating being on the receiving end at times, as I'm sure many others can relate to. It is however perfectly fine imo to carry as a secondary and swap to it when the situation warrants it, but so many of the shotgun users I run into basically just camp around the same tight corners. The worst is a hunter who constantly sits in crouch invisibility with one just waiting for people to walk by. Invective: [url][/url] Univeral Remote: [url][/url] Edit: I can't really speak for the Warlock in entirety though I guess since mine is only level 10 atm. Also, the Titan striker super has a ridiculously large AOE that can go through objects and also hit enemies up in the air and on a level below them. If a Titan jumps at me with that thing it is nearly impossible to get out of it in any way whatsoever. Blinking (teleport) vertically and to the side to get out of its radius will not save you 95% of the time. I have not been successful at all with blinking out of my brother's Fist of Havoc except in the cases where he poorly aims it and manages to land it far enough away from me to begin with.
Enjoyed everything about your post. Except the ending, Shotguns for the win XD
Ugh, don't get me started :P
I run up, and punch people in the face with my shotgun shells. Not online though, I prefer to use a fusion rifle online.
[quote]You're definitely right. But let me get something out of the way first. I play as a titan and consistently go positive. In fact out of the hundreds of crucible matches I've played so far ive probably gone negative less than ten times. Mostly messing around. But I almost always have a 2.0. I have a 24 Titan, a 15 warlock, and a 21 hunter on another console. I have a 50in halo as well while we're on it lol. Now I love my Titan the most because he's a Titan. HOWEVER. the Titan is definitely the weakest in PvP. Stop giving me that same bullshit about it having more armor and one hit punches. All armor in the crucible is equalized, its all the same. What's NOT the same is the speed, hunters and warlocks are still cobsiderably faster. As for the punches, every class has a two punch kill. Where the warlock can use his punch from a considerable distance and the Hunter has a pretty strong throwing knife, the titan just has a punch. Honestly to balance this it really should one hit kill but this won't happen. As far as supers. No one here is going to argue that blade dancer isn't overpowered. That shit is a train and needs to be nerfed. That being said, the golden gun from my experience consistently gets more kills than both the warlock and titan super. Don't argue that it doesnt.. Because it does. If you want two kills with the Titan super you need to wait it out and choose your moment. This often leads to not having as many supers in the match as you could as a hunter. You pretty much always get 1 kills, sometimes two. Rarely 3 or more. Hunters consistently get 2, and often enough 3. Not to mention the golden gun is auto aimed out of this world, I think I get killed by that more than anything. The warlock super to me is the same as the Titans but you don't need to be next to someone to kill them, which makes it a bit safer than the Titan. There's also the shield thing the titan has but the solution to that is to just not go in it lol. Not hard. This much is why I consider Titans the worst. The worst super, slow, lack of good melee, poor double jump, and weak grenades. That being said, I love how they look and I love actually using the super because I think it's fun. I really believe hunters are overpowered and need nerfing on both supers. Warlocks are fine. Titans need a definite boost. Ps: if you use a shotgun, you're probably a pussy :)[/quote]k
I use pulse outside and shotgun in close quarters, doesnt make me a pussy that makes me smart and logical. Everyone bitching about ohhhh shotguns this shotguns that you shouldnt use them why the -blam!- not their a weapon in a shooting game it makes sense to use it plus they are really only effectice upclose and personal where they should be used.
Well Destiny isn't sniper elite. The whole game is fairly close quarters and revolves around close quarter encounters. If that wasn't true then I'd die equally to both the sniper and shotgun. But I don't, the amount of people using a shotgun is unreal
Edited by goodlilstar: 9/15/2014 8:10:18 PMI love everything about the Titan..even though everything you have said is true and I've been called worse. I'm happy to be a pussy when it's a hairy situation :)
Exactly! Even though it's underpowered I still love it :)
I agree with you mostly. Blade Dancer is a bit OP atm, but easily stopped by proper class play. Problem is people just run about trying to get kills in a CoD arena shooter fashion rather than playing smart. Anything can be "OP" if put into a good players hands, plain and simple. As for not being able to get multiple kills with a Titan super? Utterly wrong. Just like any other class super it's all about timing. If you're lacking in the multi-kill supers with a Titan, you're simply doing it wrong. I see Titans, friends and foes, getting multi-kill supers every match. Sounds more like you're wasting it on single kills rather than holding it for opportunity. If any class activates his special when only one enemy is around, you'll only get one kill. Simple logic. Try saving it and using it when you find a group of enemies, or if on Control use it to defend a point. Easy multi-kill there. Not to mention Titans are meant to be a defensive class regardless, not a ruthless killer like a Hunter or Warlock. Play your class properly and good things will come.
Well I mentioned that. If you wait for the proper moment you can get a fair amount of kills with a titan. I've gotten a 5 for 1 twice playing control :p that being said it rarely happens outside of objective where people are clumped together. Also by waiting for that perfect moment you're getting rid of precious time to build up a super again. When I play as a Hunter it's much easier to activate golden gun whenever I please and look around and scope a few people out, then continue playing and building up another super. My point is that it's much much easier to get more super kills with a Hunter.
"Blade Dancer is a bit OP atm, but easily stopped by proper class play." Please elaborate on this statement. In my experience, it is nigh impossible to stop a Bladedancer super. I have even shot one of them within 5 meters in the head on two separate occasions, two different people, and I still died immediately. I'm not arguing btw, I just want to know what your thoughts are on this.
A perfect shotgun or fusion rifle at close range will take out a bladedancer in arc blade in one shot from full health and shield. I've had it happen many times to me. Also, a Titan in the bubble with the defensive spec takes 3 hits to kill with arc blade. Giving plenty of time for that shotgun OHK.
Perhaps my inability to stop them ties into the laggy nature of my PVP experience. I've posted about this elsewhere but I am not getting a smooth experience in PVP. I get dropped packets (melees not registering, shotgun blasts not registering, etc.) and severe delays in the amount of time between a kill shot fired and an enemy actually dying. In PVE it's perfect though.
Defenders armor of light can protect you from the first hit giving you time to deal the final blow and you can jump up out of shield and drop back down to be prepared for the second strike
I was killed within my bubble twice yesterday from a Bladedancer. There may have been other factors in play but that didn't work. Any other thoughts?
I agree with you all the way down to the very last sentence. People who use fusion rifles are pussies because they are like shot guns with way more range. Ps. That makes me a pussy. :)
Lmao. I don't mind getting killed by fusion rifles because they're actually kinda tricky to use. Shotguns are the easiest gun in the game to use. And probably the most deadly. But thanks :p lol
Really? I earned my level 20 rare shotgun through Crucible, but even that gives me some pretty hard kick when firing. I find it pretty tricky to use actually, and not as affective as I see other shotguns being used.
Correction the titan and warlock both have a 1 hit kill punch and the hunter does if you can backstab.
I have never gotten a one hit unless they were already damaged first
Don't forget throwing knife is OHK on headshot
Yeah but both hunters have to have special circumstances for them back stab head shot
It's the same as the lock radiance scorch and Titan sprint tackle. It's pretty even as far as melee attacks go. Only defenders get the short end but force barrier and shotguns are a viable combo
Ahhh I didn't know that I thought titans just ran for a little bit and melee'd lol