Correction the titan and warlock both have a 1 hit kill punch and the hunter does if you can backstab.
I have never gotten a one hit unless they were already damaged first
Don't forget throwing knife is OHK on headshot
Yeah but both hunters have to have special circumstances for them back stab head shot
It's the same as the lock radiance scorch and Titan sprint tackle. It's pretty even as far as melee attacks go. Only defenders get the short end but force barrier and shotguns are a viable combo
Ahhh I didn't know that I thought titans just ran for a little bit and melee'd lol
Yeah it's a godly powerful move but you need to sprint uninterrupted for 3 full seconds before you can use it. Also. If you sprint for too long it expires and you need to stop and start again. I originally thought I could sprint around the map tackling guys for easy kills but it's quirks hold it back from dominating too hard.
Errr I guess thats what you said, I never said it was OP or anything I think all abilities have weaknesses and strengths just like all weapons, can't fire from a distance with most assault rifles and can't mow down a lot of thralls with a scout (well you could but it's a bit harder)
not always :/ I've gotten pissed off more than once from a hit marker headshot with the knife.
Umm. Maybe I'm crazy. But again I'm level 24. Every class is two punch kill.. Storm first is a little stronger than a normal punch, but will NEVER 1 hit kill someone at full health.
That flying knee. Thing kills people in exactly 1 hit, I know this because I have been killed by it several times lmao yes I do suck at the crucible probably, warlocks special melee can one hit kill as well, hunters blink strike can but it has to be a back stab..
Oh that. Well that's more of a special ability then a straight melee. And honestly if it wasn't for the flying knee I would've stopped playing as a titan already. It's too underpowered in so many other ways..the shoulder charge doesn't do a huge job making up for it either.
I've never played as a titan so I don't know I will probably make a titan striker after I'm done with blade dancer all I know is from experience of being 1 shotted with that deadly knee... And I wanna use it heh
It's honestly so much fun to use :p