originally posted in:Destiny
Im 31, have a mic, and play a lot. Mature, and friendly
You can add me- GT Dreddge
Add me, MarklikesRitz, looking to play anytime I'm online, have a mic, pretty chill guy
Sure, add me! GT: Grimbriar 71
Add HERBALderbal : Lvl 21 Titan, lvl 16 Hunter. Play mostly nights, some days. Down to clown pve or PvP. Stoner ...
I'm a level 26 Titan , have a mic , and play week nights and weekends
I'm a level 26 Titan , have a mic , and play week nights and weekends
I'm a level 26 warlock. Have a mic, and play weeknights and weekends. I usually play a mix of pvp and pve content. GT: B1GF007
Hidd3n Shadows, 33 , play with a Mic. I'm a lvl 20 Hunter, also have a low lvl titan. I usually always play in the evenings when my girls goto bed.I'm in cst. Add me I'm always looking for ppl to raid with.
Commander Cole5, I need more folks to play with, and a crew to run strikes and the Crucible. Also if ya wish my cland the Kings is open to all who want ta join in
Level 20 Warlock. GT - Plutos VI
My gt is my name. I'm a lvl 24 hunter.
I'm 26 and prefer mature game play. I can play some week nights and on the weekend. I do have a mic. Add me: PapaPompous
I'm 29, have a mic, and plan to play regularly after 8:00pm (ET). I'm only a level-10 Warlock at the moment, but I'm looking for friendly people to do PvE with. Anyone can feel free to add my GT: Soulworn Alloy
Spaff31, level 21 titan. I roll around with a few of my Air Force Co workers normally, but when the raid comes out we might need some extras.
It seems you already have several people looking to play with you. If you are interested in a few more, both myself and a friend of mine are looking for a mature and competent individual(s) to help round out our missions. If you would like my GT is HeadShot717.
Request sent.
I'm 18, mature, friendly and looking for XB360 members to raid with, do daily and heroic missions with, PVP, and strikes. I'm usually on around 4-11pm ET my Gamertag is scorpion1335. I also have a mic.
Im on around 6-7pm central time. Gt: xXthatswutsupXx Level 21 titan