Mercs with a mouth is a Xbox one clan looking for more members. We are a core pve guild looking to later expand into pvp.
Lvl 24 hunter looking to join
Lvl 25 warlock available on weekends for strikes, raids and just plain co-op in general. Will let you know if I can't make it.
Titan lvl 23 GT- Sharpshot3388 can raid, strike, and crucible on the weekends
Level 20 Voidwalker GT:Dwizzill1015
Still looking for new members of all classes and levels
Level 20 warlock GT: I AM MADDUX
Got two warlock players that want to join. Myself (bean2199 -23) and JimKouta -24. Looking for Raid and strike teams to farm with.
Lvl 23 Titan and 13 hunter SB TheDoorMan
Hallowedmacedon Lviv 26 hunter 😋
How do I request to join
Warlock level 25 TJackaldo - Xbox One
I'll join add me @ Atomicleader878
If you are I interested find us in groups (Mercs with a mouth). Right now I'm having issues sending invites so just find us and request to join.
Add me Rebelboy0075 lvl 21 Titan, Lvl 8 hunter
I'll join. Is there a level requirement?
Im down to but what level are you
You guys able to do raid tomorrow??
We are trying to get set up for the raid right now we have a 25,24 and 23