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Before we start off, I apologize for my bad camera quality. My labtop was the only source of a camera available.
Gentlemen, I declare that no else on can match my ancient collection of Bionicles. After visiting ZippingF812's thread earlier today, I went on a quest to dig up all my old Bionicles. Needless to say, it took some time. And, to my own amusement, there was no possible way I could unscrew all the containers I stuffed them into, or hold all the room for them in one picture with my current setting. So I split them up by era's and story arcs. So, here we go gentlemen. I present to you my collection.
First up is the first Toa we all know and love. I also happened to cram all the Taruga in with thier respective Toa as well.
[url=]Onua, Lewa, Pohatu, Tahu, Kopaka, and Gali[/url]
Next we have the [url=]Toa Nuva, the Bohrok, Bohrok-Kal, and the Queens.[/url] Sadly, I am missing only one Kal, who happened to be very rare to find, and the Exo-Suit, which I couldn't save up enough money for. By the time I had enough for the Exo-Suit it was as rare as the Red Bohrok-Kal.
Then we have, [url=]All six Rakshi, the Seventh Toa of Light, and our first Makuta.[/url]
And we're off to the Toa Metru. [url=]Whenua,Matahu,forgot the brown one, Vakama, Nuju, and Vakama.[/url]
And their adversaries for some time, [url=]The Vahki.[/url]
Moving on to the titans of the Metru-Nui Arc, [url=]An older Toa that set events in motion, forget his name, and his allied Kikanalo, Turuga Doom and Nivak, Nidhiki, and Krekka.[/url]
Now we enter into the later stage of the Metru-Nui arc, with the [url=]Hordika turned Toa Metru and their main enemies, the Vishorak.[/url]
And we have the titans, and the special addition Toa that was released as part of Lego's 50th anniversary. I only ever managed to get one sadly. [url=]Sidorak, Roodaka, and that golden fellow who could solo both of them easily.[/url]
Then we're off to the Paraka saga. I don't happen to remember the name of the place this arc takes place in though. We have the Toa Inika, [url=]I forget the black and green one, but I remember Hewkii, Jallar, Matoro, and Hali.[/url]
And, their enemies, [url=]The Piraka.[/url]
And the titans, [url=]Brutaka, Vezon and Fehnrakk, and Axon[/url]
And then we hit the underwater part of this arc, starting off with the [url=]The Barraki warlords.[/url]
And the mutated Inika who ventured into the pit, [url=]Loved those blasters as a kid.[/url]
And the Titans, [url=]I only remember one fellow, the black one, Hydraxon.[/url]
And then we hit it off with the Bara Magna Saga, with the newly renamed Toa Nuva, [url=]Toa Magna.[/url]
And their [url=]Brotherhood of Makuta opposition.[/url]
This is as far as my collection goes, although I have two more pictures left.
I dug up [url=]Karzhanii[/url], after I was packing stuff up, the Bionicle verse's equivilent to the lord of death or madness, I can't quite remember.
And finally, [url=]ALL THE GOD DAMN MATORAN.[/url]
And that my friends, is the extent of my collection. One day, when I have room, I shall make shelves for them all, and on another day, when I have money, I'm going to track down all the sets I ever missed.
On one last note, I'd post a pic of all the comics I have, but they're buried too deep in my pile of boxes, my collection spans the same time frame for all the comics I ever got, from beginning, to end.
Enjoy folks.
*heavy breathing*