I come first most games and I'm a titan .. All the silly hunters running inside my bubble shield to say hello to my shotgun... And all the warlocks to punch in the face and get an overshield with.. Its great... Then again i am using shotgun invective and my sniper ice breaker *exotics*
IDK man. Seems hunters with their super active have no issue walking in and one-shoting me. Or other titians going blmamo on my bubble. If one of the perks was the ability to shoot out of it. It might be worth it to far. But right now I only use i to block LOS so I can move across halls and block doorways. Aint got it high enough yet to buff teammates. Because most anyone will either pop their super to counter or ignore me and the zone.
Yeah coming first in "most games" as a Titan using a shotgun is no feat of excellence bud, infact it's the opposite. By far the most overpowered combo in the game right now are Titans with shotguns. They have the highest armour statistic (Not defense as that is irrelevant, but Armour) making them the hardest to kill, & they have the hardest hitting melee of any class. So if you need to run around with a shotgun, the most OP gun in the game then it only highlights that you cannot win without considerable advantages over other players, which means you are garbage. Play with skill & a weapon which is not OP as hell and that "winning most games" might actually mean something.
If you are stupid enough to engage a titan defender in his bubble who has a shotgun... Then you need to rethink your life.. As for using op weapons my friend it depends on the map.. So dont judge my style just because you read one post.. I use my icebreaker on the moon and snipe i use my pulse rifle in corridors and my shotgun for cqc and corners .. Please stop calling people garbage because i use my weapons and the map to the best possible use... Using a sniper on a tiny map and getting kills does not make you pro... Neither does a shotgun Its your score at the end that does.. Bruh
snipes on the moon are irritating but I do not discredit people that use them, you still got have a good aim. And who is actively engaging Titan defenders? At no point did I state that so I suggest you get back in school & learn how to read. Shotguns are OP right now, & it is widespread knowledge, Do not sit there & try to justify using a shotgun because its "Close quarters"... Bitch it ain't 2 corridors its a whole big map with plenty of area around it. There is no excuse to sit inside a shield, or sit in the inside of a door using a shotgun... It just servers to highlight a players weak play & disrespect for other players. The score at the end means nothing if you had to cheese to get it... If I compare my best game of an 8400 to another guy with the same score but instead he sat in corners with a shotgun, waiting for supers & heavy ammo, are you trying to tell me one player is clearly not better than the other? Don't be so naive... You know damn well using that shotgun discredits you as a player, so just accept it & move on. OP weapons have nothing to do with the map, it is all about the statistics related to the weapons & how they are adjusted, get your knowledge up bruh.
Have you ever played control? Shield over a point and hold it.. Jesus you think you know everybody don't you, stuck up prat
You need to be nerfed. How'd you get those great exotics anyways?
Lol two from exotic bounties ... Got a handcannon exotic now And the sniper from a random drop
I have Universal Remote, love that shotgun.