originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Play station and Sony both suck balls. Xbox and Microsoft is the only way to go.
I've always played xbox, but my fiancé insisted on getting the ps4 to get the prettyful console. I'm completely lost playing the play station.
You are gay
That's not very nice.
The truth, the "inevitable", is never "nice"
How is me being gay inevitable?
Never said it was.
Ignore the troll. It'll go back under its bridge if you don't feed it.
I am not a troll. Would you people just leave me alone? I have had enough of this crap. It's bad enough that I was sued by Sony, but now I have to put up with little fanboys like you guys.
LOL Fail troll. Fail.
You know what? Go screw your sorry excuse for a turtle and jump in a pool of peanut butter.