originally posted in:Team Not Casual
I need 2 people to help me kill Xyor. Whoever you are is fine, as long as you want to complete this very hard quest.
I am a lvl 25 Defender Titan and my ign is Heikomei and im on ps4.
I'm stuck on this too. TheTwistedFox, PS4, sunsinger warlock. According to people who've done it a invisible hunter is an absolute must (to just hide and res the other two), also arc and solar weapons. Anyone can add me just pop the word "thorn" in a friend request.
I am looking to do this please add Akiea on ps4
Wanna help me?
Good luck C: me and my friends did this last night , Make sure you take Arc/Solar weapons otherwise you will just get absolutely destroyed.
What system????
I am also trying to do this I'm on 360 add me Spencearian is my GT