Its pretty simple.
Should you be able to skip a cutscene during a mission, once you already seen it for the first time?
Yes we should have the choice to skip. If Bungie is trying to 'hide' (make more palatable!) the load time, at least give us control of the vehicles so we can at least enjoy some flight time down to destinations! 4 of 5 options would help then just the same one same old repetition.
Yes!!! Please allow us to skip cut scenes once they have been seen!!!!!!!!
Are we sure that cutscenes aren't an opportunity for loading/saving/precaching?
I think they are just trying to hide long load times. Shutting it down and just having the regular 'quiet' load would be nice though so I don't hear the same thing over and over
I would love to be able to skip cutscenes after I have seen them once. Watching them again is taking away from my enjoyment while working on alternate characters
Yes, it really takes the fun out of some daily heroic story missions.