I played flawlessly since day one (and alpha and beta) in my ps4, but now, after today's (09/16) update I am constantly kicked out with leopard or bee errors. Constantly. Couldn't finish a single pvp match, and only a few story missions. Please, is not my connection since I did not have any problems in the past and I can play BF4 normally
yup tho i think the console is trying to save and process to many things at once or something so majority of the problems is cache or network related since everything is pretty much in the cloud. its like trying to squeeze 10 sumo wrestlers into a mini cooper, it can only handle so much at one time. whenever the system seems to take too long to load or if the world is a ghost town or takes to long to match make i do that. majority of time i just quit out of game and reopen it fixes minor problems but for constant error code clear your cache a couple of times then reset router.