originally posted in:Destiny Guardians Elite
OK so the vault of glass has just come online and we are looking to find other players to team up with,
I am currently level 26 almost 27 and the founder of Destiny Guardians Elite.
we are on the Xbox 360.
If you would like to join us please PM me or add my GT which is also my clan name.
Thank you.
If anyone is still looking I'm a lvl 27 Hunter all legendary armor and have a legendary scout rifle, exotic red death pulse rifle and exotic gjallahorn rocket launcher I'll be available later tonight after 7pst and any any time tomorrow.
Lvl 26 warlock, 27 tomorrow morning. I have no mic at the moment but I know how to do the first few sections of the raid.
I'll join in if you still need the help. You should hit level 26 before attempting it though. It makes it a lot easier, trust me.
If you still need a fire team I am available and 1 other friend who is going to be available to do the vault of glass and I think he might know some people who want to join GT QuickKiller310
me and a friend of mine have been looking for a goup to do vault of glass with in the future we're both currently lvl 21 my GT is Carbon arkangel we also do crucible and sometimes just random missions