The cryptarch is Pure Evil.
After HOURS of grinding I finally get a Primary Weapon Legendary Enegram and do you know what that asshole gave me?
Great, just blew like 2000 glimmer on random cryptarch stuff to raise his level, got him to level four, came back and he was still three, why god why.
Cryptarch Gave me Exotic MG Thunderlord from a legendary engrams, can't complain more, even he gave me lots of legendary stuff that not for my class.
I feel you, all my legendary engrams have been blues or greens except for a -blam!-ing shotgun which is useless out of Crucible.
after reaching a Cryptarch Lvl of 3 I still havent received anything in the post :( what gives? (are we suppose to get a reward every Lvl)
Got a legendary helmet for a titan but I'm a Hunter :(
Well I feel bad for posting this but got 3 legendary engrams this evening. And got a legendary fusion rifle and a legendary rocket launcher from them. 3rd engrams was trash but can't complain. I'm level 23
I got a legendary bond for a Warlock, but I was a Titan when I got it.
I like that cryptarch guy, eh cheats me out of legendary engrams and doesn't afraid of anything.
Edited by Sigurd Fatima: 9/17/2014 1:38:58 AMEvery time I see an enegram drop I say, "oo piece of candy". They're making the trail to my progress. Sometimes I get BS. Sometimes I get upgrades, and so long as I'm getting upgrades from strike playlists, crucible, and the odd times he does give me something good, I don't care *shrugs*. It would be nice if when you got a blue enegram with a faded glove on it that it would always be a rare glove that was an upgrade, but it's not. That, honestly, makes it more interesting for me because you never know what you're going to get, but I managed to go from 22 to 24 in one day *shrugs*. You get what you get. Keep grindin. Keep smiling.
He has some serious big balls. I would have tossed him off the tower countless times by now if I could. I really can't believe that Legendary Engrams are capable of giving you Uncommon loot, that's freaking insanely unfair.
I don't have problem with him.
I leveled my cryptarch to 12..he gives me greens and blues that ate lvl 16 for legendary 25 dang it...I die a lil inside every time I decrypt a legendary engram...
Handed in over 20 legendary engrams and he finally gave me an item that was not a green. Total piss take
I have had maybe around 6 legendary engrams today and not 1 has been a legendary bit of gear quite annoyed don't want to trade anymore in!!!
CryptoTroll... He bends you over and -blam!-s you slowly.
He also laughs at your gains anyway. I spent a -blam!- ton of time trying to get strange coins so I could get the Sunbreakers. And every time I turned a bunch of crap into him, I got uncommon weapons. And the kicker is as soon as Xûr left, he started throwing strange coins at me like I was a cheap date or a homeless person with an overturned hat. I appreciate the coins (in the long run), but his timing couldn't be worse.
Wtf im so disappointed tht only 16% chose the reaper one, ypy disapoint me flood
seriously tho, f* ck that guy 3 missed chances at an exotic [spoiler]is he Jewish?[/spoiler]
Id like to force push him of the side of the tower that bastard has made thousands off me >.<
I'm watching him
He's a jerk bag
He must be sweet on me.
BUNGIE patch the cryptarch
Edited by ELRaSun: 9/16/2014 10:24:49 PMKnight Type 2 (blue), The Deacon (green), The Sultan (blue), Mark Of Six Fronts, Highlander Type 1 (green).... my cryptarch is LEVEL 8, and he keeps giving me these same drops. Over and over and over. I am almost level 26. Hundreds of blue engrams and dozens of purples later, and still with this gear that's waaaaay weaker than my current. I thought drops leveled up with you lol.... Out of 5 legendaries I have actually gotten, 2 were for a warlock, and 1 was for a hunter....... I'm a Titan..... I wanna stick with my character and his "Legend," rather than balance 2 or 3 characters, so basically they're just 2 pieces of plasteel plating to me, lol. Now, I KNOW they can't and don't want to just make getting powerful legendaries and exotics too easy. But, that being the said, I would MUCH rather them just lessen the likelihood of lower weapon / gear drops from these then and raise the occurrence of useful upgrade materials. At least it is rewarding then. You still feel like you got something useful for down the road. I would rather you give me a bundle of 10 relic irons or 5 ascendant materials for a purple engram, if you're not going to give me a weapon. That's ALOT more useful to a higher level player than a level 14 shotgun when I've already got a vault filled with these same weapons already. * While we're at it, the vanguard needs a new acquisition rep up in the front office LOL... the exciting bonus vanguard armory is still stuck at level 10... And I've gone stretches of 4 or 5 crucible matches, and gotten Zero. Even when I was the top scorer. Empty handed lol.
Reapers, it's always the Reapers.