It's a sad day for me. Got my first legendary engram. Decided to a legendary chest armor for a Hunter.
I'm a Titan.
Maybe I'll just make a hunter..
I got a legendary engram that turned into a rare helmet, but at the same time I had a rare engram turn into a legendary hunter helmet. I'm a warlock.
He is a prankster.
It'll just make getting a useful legendary from him all the more satisfying.
I lucked out and nabbed a helm today. Felt great
Nice! Congrats man.
Thanks a lot !
I think they are trying to entice you to play multiple classes.
I do have a level 10 hunter that will be using that helmet someday.
Well it is certainly tempting.
Edited by XGojiraX93 : 9/16/2014 4:08:53 PMHaha that happened to me I'm a hunter and got a warlock chest piece