originally posted in:Time Killers
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This is for people interested in raiding to meet, greet, share tags and get to know each other. a good raid team needs everyone to be comfortable with each other. here is a good place to start so don't be afraid to join the conversation. if your on ps4 and wish to join a ps4 raid team please post in the Raid Team(ps4) announcment
Gt cluns... Xbox one... Vault of glass now Croat later.
looking to join a team to do the glass vault and play for fun, add me please ps4 id MAT_1973
27 hunter on 360, looking for others for vault of glass
Xbox one : itzjohnsy. Add me I'll be on after 4 central time. I'm currently levEl 26 looking for other to do this raid.I am willing to put together the team and lead just need more people. Most likely will take a team of 10+ people so we can line a team up for times. Add me and message me you want to raid and times you would like to raid every week.
Edited by Cleevo0817: 9/17/2014 8:49:12 PMI'm a level 27 hunter. I work evening shift during thr week so if anyone on X1 wants to start raiding this weekend I'm down. I'll be on almost all weekend
I just reached level 27, Titan. Xbox one --- Gt = StoppedCrane542. My hours aren't the best for raiding, i'm hardly on the weekends becuase I work 35 hours over the weekend. During the week is when I get most of my play time. Monday night through Thursday night I am usually online after 9 pm EST until I get tired and go to bed. Of course if we are raiding the Vault of Glass I would be able to stay up longer, because that is all I want to do in this game, the RAIDS!!!!!
As stated in the raid team forum myself, Muunia, and lester-kids are all on PS4 and have all ventured into the vault already. We got our asses handed to us be we are ready for another go as soon as we get a good group, we do not want to PUG it again. Hopefully more clan members will be ready before the week is out. If you are interested in joining this team simply add me (Rignasty15x) and send me a message and we can go from there. Currently we are hoping to find 2 titans and another warlock but for now we are willing to accept anyone who knows how to adapt to raid mechanics and is 26+
Psn: DemonicEssense , wants to do vault of glass tonight after work east US time
Psn TeOzOAFMAN LVL 26 almost 27 ill be on 8 pm eastern time I ll be up for raiding or lvl 26 weekly strike so hit me up and please be over 20 im an old dog who doesnt run with the puppies
Just hit lvl 26 yesterday, frequent player, flexible schedule hmu Xbox GT Flare XcT
Hello all! Just hit 26! Friend me for raiding. nine-bone on PS4 lvl 26 blade dancer.
We should start raiding when the weekly dude apperas, I don't know about the others of you but I got enough strange coins and mote of light to get an exotic armor and weapon :-) Which with my 3 legendaries would put me around level 27-28
Xbox GT: Flare XcT------ Warlock lvl 24
Level 13 Striker Xbox 360
I got a quick question? The raid is only a 6 man team right so does it matter really what the classes are? Or do y'all try to balance it by having 2 of each class for 6 man team?