I've been playing Destiny all week. I finished the story the first day it was out, maxed out my Vangaurd marks for the week on the second day and been enjoying everything else since. But every time I get a legendary Engram it turns into a rare item. I was with my buddy when he decrypted a Legendary helmet, Body, and two identical LMG's, all legendary. The only legendary items I've gotten were a Scout Rifle and an LMG. That would be fine but I've gone through over 20 legendary Engrams. 3 helmets, 4 gauntlets, 5 boots, 3 chests,3 primaries, 3 secondaries, and 2 Heavies. I'm just getting sick and tired of getting rare armor. Plus the rare items I get from them are horrible. I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this but it's really irritating me.
Around 95% of all blue engrams for me have turned out to be blue. However, I've scooped up around 10 legendary engrams and not a single one turned out to be a legendary. Could it just be bad luck and the RNG gods don't like me? Sure, but I think Bungie needs to inform the community about the game's drop rates, as something seems different with legendary engrams.