He also laughs at your gains anyway. I spent a -blam!- ton of time trying to get strange coins so I could get the Sunbreakers. And every time I turned a bunch of crap into him, I got uncommon weapons. And the kicker is as soon as Xûr left, he started throwing strange coins at me like I was a cheap date or a homeless person with an overturned hat. I appreciate the coins (in the long run), but his timing couldn't be worse.
Same here, I had maybe 8 before he left, got one while he was around in the 3 days, soon as he's gone I get the next 5 and then some -_- I have like 20 now... I really hope they didn't Nerf the drop rate of coins when he's around.
I doubt it. I gained a few whilst he was there and was only a coin short. I think it was just really shitty timing. That's all. If he was there all of Sunday, we'd have a ton more exotic gear floating around.
Maybe, still a royal pain in the ass -_-
This happened to me I swear bungies trolling us all so hard.
I'd prefer to think that it is the Cryptarch. During the beta, a few people mentioned how other NPCs talked about the cryptarchs as if they were all a bunch of jerks and swindlers. After the last few days of turning in engrams, I agree with them wholeheartedly.