Scumbag cryptarch strikes again
I got a legendary helmet for a hunter... I'm a Warlock. I have been trying to find boots and a helmet for a couple days now.
I got an exotic titan helm...I too am a warlock :/
I got an exotic...... Hunter helmet, I'm a Titan. Even worse kick in the balls
I got the reverse of that
This is where a trading system should come in. You can only trade legendary or higher for a like piece. IE exotic hunter helmet for titan helmet. I know people are against such a system but why should I work hard, get my engrams and then have to sit and stare at an exotic I can't even use
Same, but switch roles•-•
if you do that dpn't you get put to level 1?
What do you mean good sir?
you can't switch roles and when you make a new character you get put to lvl 1
You have to start a new char. If you dont have one.