The Cryptarch is pretty stupid, and Bungie really needs to fix him. I leveled him up to 4, finally got a purple, legendary drop, and when I decrypted it, I got a green item for it. It really took the nice feeling I had, and turned it into rage. If Bungie doesn't want people to have too many legendaries, and have them work for it more, then they should make the chance of drops even less. If you pick up a green, it should be green, and if you pick up a purple, it should decrypt into a damn legendary. This chance of getting something else ruins the fun of the game for me.
I also wish Destiny didn't drop class specific items, like 'bonds' for Warlocks. Those are worthless in the game. If I want to look prettier, I'll spend money, but working on the game, only to get a drop for something that is worthless to armor or attack is really stupid.
I've been grinding since day one. Got my first legendary drop ( not counting after crucible matches or end of strikes an such ). I was so stoked to see that purple hexahedron drop outta that thrall so far down inside the moon. You should have seen the joy beaming out of my eyes when it turned out to be a green pair of booties. I would have settled for even a purple pair for another class. Could at least have traded em in for some materials. I can't wait to see what level 40 grinding is going to be like.
Legendaries don't work till 20
^ wow.