Considering there is one piece of exotic armor, and if you are lucky enough for it to be your helmet, you can have all of the rest of the Legendary armor in two weeks. 65 Crucible marks per item.
100 - 65> 35
135 - 65> 70
70 - 65> 5
Then you can start saving up for your weapons. Not entirely sure why the helmets are the only armor part at 120 Marks though..
why is every one getting crucible armor for that armor is for pvp....... van gard armor is for pvE ........................ your not spose to use pvp armor for PVE
The armor is for all game modes, not just PvP. The different factions depend on the bonuses you want to have for your Guardian. Vanguard is basic armor. Each of the factions is more of a specialization for your build. Dead Orbit > Melee and Grenades New Monarchy> Super and Melee Future War Cult> Grenades and Super You do not have to do PvP in order to get the Crucible marks. You can just turn in extra materials to the Quartermaster for marks. 5 Marks, 200 Glimmer, and Reputation for each material trade, same for the Vanguard Quartermaster.
Oh. So glimmer is useful.
Thanks for the info. Did Xur sell exotic helmets?
Yes he did.