Lately, I've been collecting tons and tons of Legendary gear, which is pretty awesome. However, I apparently need to collect hundreds upon hundreds of Helium Filaments just to get them upgraded. That's not awesome.
Now, the problem here isn't the fact that you need these resources in order to upgrade your gear. The REAL problem is that Helium Filaments are super-hard to find. Not only are their in-game models very small and difficult to see in general, but they're almost virtually invisible when compared to resources like Spirit Bloom, which GLOWS.
Now, as long as we're talking about Helium, we might as well talk about all of the game's gatherable resources in general. It's cool that you can collect these elements from hidden chests if you're having trouble finding them in the wild, but that really isn't enough. I have less than 15 Helium in my inventory and I can count all the Relic Iron that I have on one freaking hand.
Keep in mind, I'm GOING OUT OF MY WAY just to find these materials and this is all that I've found after hours of gametime. It's simple; they're too hard to find and they don't spawn often enough in the open world.
Now, there's actually a simple fix for this issue. It may sound kinda crazy to some, but just hear it out.
You know how enemies have a small chance to drop weapons, armor, engrams, and consumable inventory items when they die? Well, why not make it so they also drop gatherable resources like Spinmetal and Spirit Bloom from time to time? I don't believe that I'm asking for much; just a method of resource gathering that can be accomplished just by going through the story/strikes, while at the same time gathering what you need from the open world.
I mean, am I honestly asking for something absolutely insane and unreasonable? I don't think so, but nevertheless, I want to hear other people's opinions, which is precisely why I'm turning to the forums here. Feel free to throw me suggestions, criticisms or just random thoughts. Let's get some real discussion going on about this.
Another fellow posted the suggestion of having more than 1 or 2 materials in a chest, minimum should be 8 to 10 material items. Also you should have the option to sell unwanted/surplus ships to Dead Orbit or the Ship wright lady for Vanguard marks. If you decide to scrap a ship or scooter, you should recieve loads of relic iron, helium filaments, spirit bloom and spin metal. ;-)
1: To the people saying it's easy, A- I've seen screens where they actually don't show up well. B- Some people might be bad at seeing glowing things. Yes, such a thing exists. C- Some people just thinks that farming shit like that is boring as hell, and they actually want to have fun in a game. 2: I would say that missions and regular strikes could drop small mats of materials, while harder things like dailies and weeklies could drop large mats. Enemies could drop 1-3 materials at a time, and it should be fairly common.
Is it easy to farm materials using YouTube? Yes. Is it fun? Hell no. Gathering literal hundreds upon hundreds of materials when you collect two at a time takes forever. Yea I can get 50 or more an hour running in a circle but who has time for that or wants to spend their time that way? Especially when trying to get 3 characters to 30 and leveling weapons too. Something is wrong when I have 150 shards and energy but no materials...
This has long been a desired idea by the community. Also - end of strike/crucible matches as well mats would be nice. finally - give us a way to purchase those 4 mats as well as weapon pieces, hadronic essence, sapphire wire, plasteel, ascendant energy, ascendant shards. These would either be with glimmer or marks (ascendant materials would most definitely be marks. maybe 25 marks each.)
I've long wondered why someone who plays pve exclusively can turn in mats for crucible marks but a player who plays crucible primarily or exclusively can't trade crucible marks for mats. Just my two cents but marks for mats seems really fair considering that most items you can buy with marks are useless after level 28/raiding nets you way better gear.
There are runs. Look it up
I like the idea but... 1) Helium glows AND it doesnt blend in with the environment (usually) unlike Spirit Bloom 2)When on the moon go immediately to the right and stay in that area until you cant find anymore helium. Leave then come back and it will be refreshed. 3) I got about 30-ish after about 45 minutes.
A shop that takes blasted strange coins for materials, would e great
Edited by Circadian Wolf: 11/9/2014 1:53:24 AMI had the idea to just swap round Class materials/Weapon parts and stuff like helium filaments in the upgrade table (Ascendant upgrades need class materials, earlier upgrades need resources). That way we have a use for our crap tonne of class materials and resource farming isn't quite so ridiculous.
HAHAHAHA seriously!? Farming these is way too fast dude you obviously don't know how to farm chests. Look up a route and then you'll understand why this post makes 0 sense
Farming is easy already
#ign. Farming explained and it's not hard and relic iron is easy to have a surplus and almost all my titan gear needs it
Oh, but an item that highlights chest and resources would be super cool though.
Once you know how to material hunt it's actually super easy. Just go to the planet you need materials from, go to an area with lots of spawn caves and drive your sparrow around looking in caves. You don't even need to get off your sparrow unless you see a chest or resource. Chests also respawn periodically. No need to leave an area to make them reappear.
You need to YouTube chest farming. I like the one He has one for each element this if for helium. Anyway love the idea
Visit material hotspots
Or you could buy some materials for a sum of Glimmer. After lvl 20, glimmer is pretty pointless.
I think it would be cool if over time you could get a resource collection multiplier, kinda like the glimmer multiplayer you can level up by killing lots of a certain enemy. That way of you go out of your way to get mats it becomes a little easier over time.
What if we got the spinmetal and other materials as rewards for completeing patrol mission. Also it would be cool if that's how u also gain rep with factions.
Edited by Snoop_TX: 11/8/2014 1:41:28 PMAll materials are easy to farm if you know where to go. I know a place on the moon where I can get 100 helium filaments in about 30 minutes. I know spots in all planets for material farming. Last nigh I needed 16 relic iron for a weapon upgrade. Took less than 5 minutes on Mars to get 25. I'd suggest you keep an eye out for other players looking for materials and you will notice where all the material farms are in each map.
Edited by samwenchester: 11/8/2014 1:16:38 PMYea the routs we have found for all the materials round in round in a certain area farming on average 5 chests per spawn and 7 or 8 material growths just in one area. Also keep in mind once u open a chest it respawn on a 30 sec timer somewhere else in that same area. Pretty easy. Just Google farming methods. Easy peasy. Even better Is whe u have bounty on like precision kills 100 kills without dying or Melee kills. Imo. But if it were to be that way in the future it would be a bad idea to have the majors and ultra drop material instead of so many consumables. I have so many of this wax idol and others it ridiculous. But yea I'd say the yellow bars could drop mats. Not regular enemies though.
Apparently there is going to be a new material economy (according to the latest deej news on this app). Hopefully we'll be able to buy it with glimmer now
Dude, if you're having trouble look for farming methods on each planet or something. My friends and I all farm materials pretty easily, especially Helium Filaments and Relic Iron.
Helium filament isnt hard to spot now relic iron that can pretty much hide right in front of you.
The helium filament chest run thing is extremely helpful with this. There's a video of it on PlanetDestiny. It's the route that I use. They're either pretty easy to spot or in chests.
Not bad idea but honestly it's not hard to see materials if you know what you're looking for