I love how angry people get at the cryptarch, just go buy some gear it isnt that hard to hit rank 2 in vanguard or crucible if you actually try to get it. Or buy things with strange coins. To me the cryptarch is kind of like a lottery, its fun to play but if you expect to get something good you will be disapointed.
You can buy things with the strange coins? How? See, this is the s**t that piases me off. There is no clear "instruction". * Is there another way to get weapon parts other than dismantling other weapons? *Can I buy shaders from somone other than the clothing lady near the speaker? I know they are sometimes rewards and I know of the 2 codes, but I mean buy some. I don't want to wait for a reward, drop, or code to post. * What is the point to the factions other than another option to obtain gear? I have a ton of questions and I can't find a clear definitive answer on the net.
the guy who you can buy things using the strange coins only apaers on fridays and saterdays, he is near the crucible people
Weird. Ok, thanks for the info.
Cryptarch finally gave me my rare chest plate after some grinding last night. I got A LOT, i mean A LOT of uncommon chest before last night!!!! He better start treating me better...
Up until about lvl 6 I got nothing but garbage from the crypt arch. Even now at 11 he's only ever given me one legendary