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originally posted in: WTF is the Cryptarch's problem?
Edited by JTChagas: 9/17/2014 1:12:09 PM
I have done 46 strikes and nothing worth droped not a single legendary engram. I´m working hard but the gear is not coming, what are you doing to earn your legendarys??? Because i´m doing it wrong.

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    ur not doing it wrong the loot system ist just unbalanced got a buddy he got full legendary set and 2 exotic pieces i have beeen farming longer than him n i have nothing

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  • To put it bluntly: If you want to feel 100% completion by grinding away hours upon hours, then this isn't your type of game. This is why a lot of publishers are reluctant to bring "MMO style" games to console. You aren't entitled to super rare items just because you dump hundreds upon hundreds of hours into a game within the first week. These are items that are supposed to be granted to you throughout your lengthy journey in the game. Please don't take offense. This isn't a personal attack on you at all. I'm just saying you can't treat this as your typical single player one-off game where dumping countless hours instantly rewards you with everything. That's not how this game works. I for one am glad that Bungie went against the grain and gave console users a taste of MMO style gameplay. But I also saw these complaints coming from a mile away too, because lots of console players probably saw the Bungie name on it and expected a lengthier and bigger world version of Halo... which it wasn't (hence the bad reviews).

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  • A real MMO has venders all over the place. And lots more places to explore with really cool side quest. Not boring do 6 patrol missions on Mars. This is by no means a Final Fantisy game with a better shooter macanics to it.

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  • I enjoyed the -blam!-ing game and stopped worrying about getting legendary gear from drops and instead focused on how I could obtain legendaries from vendors. Do crucible bounties or vanguard hell put on the dead orbit or new monarchy class armor and work toward those factions. The gear will come, stop worrying about it. Also off topic me and my friends need more people for raids if anyone is interested.

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