With the release behind us now, and people have blazed through the story, we're left asking, "Whats next? I want more!" So while gaming late at night with a few of my gamer buddies, we start chatting about things that we feel could really benefit the game and make it stand above others, instead of being another shooter. We understand that it's still new and there will be content coming out soon, as any company would plan their first year of launch.
Instead of going into GREAT detail of our thoughts, I figure I would list them with brief details.
-We got a nice taste of this back in Halo: Reach. Why not bring it into matchmaking? This would give more purpose to buying ships, rather than just the look. It would also bring more customization. Being able to change your weapons, shields, even colour scheme.
2) [b]Realistic Gravity Environment[/b]
-This one is simple. Again we saw it in the halo franchise. But I would love to actually feel like you're in space or on a different planet. When you're on the moon, you shouldn't be able to jump the same as on Earth or Mars. It would bring more challenge to the multiplayer.
3)[b] Trade Systems[/b]
-Plain and simple, people have been requesting it.
4)[b]Challenging Bosses[/b]
-We're finding these feared bosses to be more like bullet sponges. We would love to see more AI intelligence to combat tactics, instead of taking all the bullets and just shooting back at you. Maybe toss in some abilities each boss has? Have those changes activate on a harder difficulty so it doesn't ruin it for people playing on normal?
5)[b]Fire Team Party Size[/b]
-We figured there was a reason for it, but 3 people for co-op is not that much. Kinda sucks when there's 4 of us and we can't play the story together. Bump it to 4 or just take the restrictions off. Higher party size should be available for higher difficulty.
6)[b]Fire Team in cutscenes[/b]
-This might be nitpicking, but is there any way to have your fire team show up in the cut scenes? Even if they are in the background? Just think it would be cool seeing your team landing on the moon, or standing in front of the Awoken queen.
7)[b]Double Jump at the Tower[/b]
-People like to explore, just think it would be fun to have turned on.
That's about it for now. I know there was reference back to Halo and this isn't Halo. But when we know things a game company is capable of, it kind of sets the expectation bar a bit higher. A new game with missing features from an an old franchise almost feels like a downgrade. Would you be happy with the new iPhone if they got rid of all the camera features? It would be weird.
Thanks for your time and to anyone who took time to read these suggestions.
PS Could one of the droids at the tower be using a floor buffer?
Great suggestions, expecially trade and more challenging bosses