originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
Clan: Depth of Destiny
Admin GT:Regan 4491
Destiny clan for skilled Xbox360 players that wanna try to make a name for themselves and wanna help eachother in Crucible, Weekly Challenges, Raids and pretty much anything in Destiny
I'm down I'm a level 23 warlock gt GHE Busch
I'm down, I've been playing for 2 days and just hit level 20, I'm a Titan Defender Subclass.
Edited by Soulstaz: 9/17/2014 6:44:59 PMwould like to join also! GT is SOulStAz lvl 20 warlock
I'm in as well. GT is CRitchie10. L25 hunter
I down gt xxkillaxt98xx on the 360
I'm down! Add me or I'll add you later. One5hot77
I'm looking to join dude