Im sure there are plenty of posts about this, but I just wanted to add another. My friends list is...Lacking to say the least. And among them, there are no destiny players. For those of you looking to add some active Destiny players, post here and I'll add you. Add each other too. Just follow my lead...
GT - Tigbitties XXL
Class - Warlock
Level - 15
Looking for: All content (Fireteams for Strikes, Raids (Eventually), PvE Patrols, PvP, Story missions etc.)
Add me!
gt:DavetheGreat101 lvl 26warlock
Not on a ton but play when I can, I'll just follow you and kill stuff. Xbox One GT: EODxAL CaPwN Level 14 Titan
Level 21 Hunter SpikedBullet Xbox one
SullyBones lvl 25 hunter
GT: iFozzyyyy Level 20 hunter
Gt: NorthernAirness Hunter Lvl 16 Looking to play anything and everything destiny with awesome people
Xbox one GT: TheCleanist lvl: 24 Class: Hunter Need people to play with message me!
Sure ill add you guys when i get outta work today - Counting down the hours till 3 already haha -havent been this addicted to a game in a while - an addiction i dont mind in the least lol
I'm in the same boat. Two friends and one plays, so 50% ratio, but could do with more Destiny players and or Fireteam additions. My GT is D3m0nPatriot.
GT: UntamedPerry Lvl 18 almost 19 Titan Want friends for fire team, crucible anything really! Struggling at the minute.
Add me on Xbox One Camo 1000
GT: Cheese Helmet Class: Warlock sunsinger Level 26 LF strikes and raids
GT- [b]ItzMikeyBrah[/b] Level- 22(nearly 23) Looking for players to play with I guess.. Just drop me a add and I'll add you back. Get adding, see you in game :)
Level 25 warlock. Gonna get the rest of my legendary tommorrow. Gt: daltonks15
I would add you but if my dad saw I had a friend with that GT.....
My gamertag is 'heisenbald' and I have a level 25 (1 upgrade from being 26) Hunter, I'm happy to play anything really but if you send me an invite while I'm halfway through a strike I'll send you a message to let you know. :)
Add me. Gt: That Was Slick Class: striker titan Level:25
I have a clan 'The Exiled Ones' not many Clan mates yet but I'd like to have gamers from all platforms
add me CrazyDaveLFC
Add me gavs79 Level 24 titan striker
Add me GT ProgenitorKeepr with a Lv24 Titan.
Add me GlitchyBox level 24 hunter
Edit your post on the app by tapping the three dots to the right. This will give you a menu, which holds the edit feature. Remove #Gaming from the tags. #Destiny or #Clans will suit your needs better, and prevent #Gaming from getting clogged with Destiny threads. And no, Destiny threads do not belong in #Gaming even though Destiny is a game. Destiny threads belong in #Destiny because Destiny is Destiny.