Either I'm totally missing something (very possible!) or the ability to set a Destiny clan doesn't have much bearing impact within the game other than vanity. Meaning, I was hoping that clanmates would be more easily able to see one another on the roster screen -- like a dedicated section/grouping to see clanmates -- and then join up for the active fireteam(s) for that clan. is there a better way to see people in my clan that are online, or will I have to continue friending each one and memorizing which ones are in my clan? Feels like this process could be greatly streamlined and improved, no?
I made a thread for this as well. It's needed. Otherwise you have to add every clan mate to your friends list. I don't see how this is not a default roster channel. So many basics in this game are being overlooked and ignored.
And not to bump my own thread, but this is becoming especially pertinent for Raids... I love the idea that a raid requires 6 people. Problem is, it can be difficult to coordinate this. I definitely believe improved in-game clan integration would greatly help with this. What do you think, Bungie? :)
I was just having this converstaion with several clanmates as we were trying to gather people for VoG. Sure, the companion app is great, but unless you have it up on your phone 100%, it's difficult to get immediate responses from people through it. A Clan Roster would be nice, possibly even and in-game message center to post to our Clan Wall, similar to the companion app.
The clan integration is a great add in, but yeah, everything appears very cosmetic right now. It would be nice to see some kind of in game integration with the clan portal/front page or roster or maybe have the ability to set event beacons for raids so group members could join in on a players session or send a notification to the "hosting" player when the roster is full. As much as I love playing with everyone having to add my entire clan/group to my friends list seems a little unnecessary for casual game sessions =/