Yeah that's kinda annoying cuz beyond level 20 glimmer becomes worthless. And can we get some new shaders in the shader shop. Bitch has had the same 4 shaders since the game came out.
Umm, actually, there a quite a few things you'll need glimmer for, besides shaders: - Emblems - Upgrading Gear - Jumpships - Sparrows - Purchase the occasional rare (possibly a legendary) from the Cryptarch/Gunsmith shop The cap is 25,000. So, when you hit that limit, go buy another Jumpship or Sparrow for shits and giggles. Go by a shader or super fancy emblem. There is plenty to spend Glimmer on. Remember, the items you purchase (with the exception of class specific gear) can be shared across all characters you play. Want to start a new character and give them a better Jumpship early on? Put it in the Vault? Maybe you want them to have shaders you no longer use because, "Ugh, Polar Oak was so last Tuesday!" Put it in the vault! Have a great Rare/Uncommon gun that you know your next character will benefit from? Put. It. In. The. Vault.
Cuz this is the first RPG I've ever played. You realize the vault has limited space in it right?
I went and got them all. So many shades of pink...