So yeah let's talk about our days.
English - Antigone and reading questions
Chem - Nuclear chemistry notes
Spanish - Going over previous work, notes
Geometry - pythag theorem
Piano - Hanon's Sixth's, another song
History - Cause & Effect of English civil war, etc
Physio - vocab
After I came home from school, jumped onto BF4, had a bit of fun
after BF4 i watched some videos, kinda cool...
but what really made my day is when I started watching [url=]this anime[/url]. It's dark and distrubing and bleh I legitiamently got scared once or twice... and I loved the ending... well not love but I was kinda... surprised by the ending... may have found my new 6th favorite anime. :|
um, now I'm just going to stay on for about 20 minutes then go to bed
So yeah, how was your day?
Edited by Jono: 9/18/2014 5:23:21 AM>Woke up >Ate breakfast >Went with dad to go work on some construction shit >Worked with him for about 6 hours >Made some money >Saving that money