[b]Ps4 ps4 ps4 ps4[/b].I'm Looking to start a[u] 18+ Clan and required mics[/u] (doesn't mean you have to be on them (unless its raids)) But other then that It will be mainly about just playing destiny having fun playing pvp or doing raids on grinding or what ever you like to do play soccer at the tower. Personally I'd like to see it more competitive but in my opinion when you get people with the right maturity level and communication that just usually comes right along. Please if you are interested in starting out a clan with me first come first serve Need 1 to name the clan and I will make it I would like two to just help get people in the clan and start it up and be able to do fire-teams and more things like that i feel like three to start is the perfect way to go.
[u][b]Add or message me on PS4 ! Remy-Guns is my psn, For the people that actually go about and add or message me on Ps4 will be more likely to be the ones to help me create this clan! Shows that you actually want to do it.[/b][/u]
Ps: This is only to START the clan will be making new topic to recruit there will not be a level cap! for that! so please message me also if just looking to join but below lvl 20
Join Red Skull Mercs, we need 1 more to join and we have similar requirements. Will help ANY lvl get gear. Im a lvl 24 voidwalker/sunsinger