originally posted in:LionsGuard Prime
Hey Guys and Gals, Im new to the Xbox One Clan Division. So plz add my gamertag : ZacharyTSchimp
Anyways I enjoy runing content, so if you ever need someone to help with a raid or Weekly Heroic id love to tag along.
Lvl 26 Warlcok.
I'm new to the Xbox one division as well. GT is MarcusisFTW always down for any heroic runs or crucible. Just love playing the game
Welcome! hope you enjoy your stay :P im looking to run a heroic this evening however i am UK based so our timings may be opposite. if your interesested invite me and ill sort a group for around 6:30 BST GT Superbish6669 Bish
lo and found out it's easier to just comment on this one... Im also new to the xbox One clan, and my Gamertag is : slmzD I'm in on every run i can get.