I have been playing destiny a lot since launch without any problems. Yesterday I began receiving the errors flatworm and beaver after making no changes to my network. The errors a first were stopping me from transitioning between zones but then got worse and I couldn't even make it to the tower.
I tried most if not all the troubleshooting methods available too.
First port forwarding, those Bungie specifies and the ones Sony recommends for the PS4.
I have always had a wired connection directly to the modem so no change there. (I have a hybrid modem router device)
I lowered and eventually disabled my firewall.
I finally gave the PS4 a static IP and put it in my DMZ.
None of these fixed the problem and since I wasn't having issues until now I can't help but think this is a Destiny server issue.
Edited by ToBadImNotClever: 9/19/2014 5:41:25 PMStill having the same issue here. It's rendered the game unplayable for me. I forwarded my ports. Gave my PS4 a static IP. Everything. Hasn't changed a single thing. Completely unable to access the tower and get booted from earth regularly. I'm pretty fed up with it at this point. EDIT: To clarify, Beaver error's every single time.